The chaos theory, a phenomenon sensitive to initial plans. A small change in initial conditions, drastically changes long-term behavior of a Covert Operation.A small difference , might turn exponential noise, an inaccuracy of the criminal MIND. Such is made in the most isolated CIA Stations... 22 deliberate murders, meant to "oil" the Rogue operation, make it FEARLESS, self-assured, with a sense of Untouchables, the final result is entirely different from "A" system of smoke and mirrors...
"الكلام الكثير فيه قليل لأن اسمه أكبر من أي لقب يسبقه أو يليه، فأقل ما يقال عنه أنه أحد عباقرة العصر وللعصور الآتية.... غاب اليوم من حمل لبنان في قلبه وعقله وعلى خشبة مسرحه، وطاف به في أرجاء المعمورة لا لشيء الا ليرفع اسم وطن أحبه وأخلص له وكتب فيه الشعر والحب والجمال.
نعم، أحب الكبير الوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة لبنان كما هو لبنان، الذي طالما اعتبر أن ترابه بخور واسمه من نور. فشرب كأسه راقيا حتى أغمض عينيه اللتين كانتا تنظران دائما الى خلاص لبنان. فأمثال الكبير الوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة وإن غابوا فهم تسلقوا جبال الصوان ودخلوا التاريخ.
في هذا اليوم الأليم، بإسمي وباسم "القوات اللبنانية"، أتوجه الى اللبنانيين وأصدقائه ومحبيه، والى كل اللبنانيين عموما بأحر التعازي القلبية، راجيا الله أن يمن علينا دائما بعباقرة أمثال الوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة وغيرهم من أعلام لبنان البراقة".
One can see the wisdom in his very visage. The hazel eyes, glowing from sockets lined with deep suntan emotions, beam with the brilliance of a limelight. His hair, looking like spun silver, sits neatly in place upon his head. Yet, as he nods slightly, it sparkles, each strand in concert, as if to echo the exuberance of his own nature. His nose, strong and stately, arcs proudly above the overshadowed yet undaunted mouth. The lips, bold as they are, show incredible kindness and generosity, especially when he curls them into one of his particularly boyish grins. His countenance mirrors his being and in that beautiful angel face one can see a child playing in a meadow. His forty six years do not show themselves in his posture. He stands tall, erect; and moves with unmitigated grace. Always dressed in perfect clothes, his bright colors dazzle and shine in the Lebanon sun. What a sight this man is to behold! The experiences, heartbreaks, loves, joys, and victories of forty six years of living, all combine into one fascinating embodiment within him, a Heroes' Hero and the greatest man ever.