Nahr-El-Bared2, Fath Al-Islam2, is a "wall to wall" CIA operation,it's now popping-up in GAZA....
"The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do."
Remember the James Bond movie:
He didn't have to steal the gold from
Fort Knox; All he had to do was to take
it off the market, and his gold would be
worth Zillions of $$$$$: Sounds like the
M.E. OIL situation of today...?
Bush and the "OIL boyz"; "the mother
of ALL Lobbies", have de-stabilized the
area for "Greed" , Greed as a Deliberate
Strategy will put the Energy Security of
the USA, at greater risk than ever.....
Iran and Russia are already in a
"Strategic Alliance" for Keeps.... and,
CHINA in all of this? China is positioning
itself in and Around Africa.... and Hoping
for better days... ? with or Without India?
History is changed by those few leaders,
like HK Elie Hobeika, who once in a great
while recognize a tipping point
and do what is necessary and right.
I don't blame anyone for not getting it right
when it happened. I wrote over three years
ago and possibly before the invasion of Iraq
that the United States of America plans to
do all these things mentioned in many articles
mainly to (1) Full hegemony over the Arabian/
Muslims Oil, (2) Open Islamic Markets to
poor US products and Services, (3) Outright
Colonization and Occupation of Arab/Islamic
countries, and (4) Full Occupation of Palestine
as a central Israeli Colony. What you see in
base building in Iraq is no more than
launching pads for further conquests,in many
areas of the Globe. Just look at Turkey, and
Lebanon, Darfour, Iran, Libya, Egypt, ...
the "missile Shield"etc. etc.....

قدر العظماء أن يمضوا شهداء
«الطائف» و«الاتفاق الثلاثي»
لا يمكن الحديث عن تهميش الدور المسيحي في لبنان دون ذكر اتفاق الطائف الذي شلح المسيحيين الدور والموقع والصلاحيات الى دون مستوى الشراكة الحقيقية.
وبعد أكثر من سنة ونصف على قيام حكومة السنيورة تتصاعد الشكوى من استمرار التهميش الذي أكدت عليه خطب البطريرك والذي قبل به جعجع منذ اليوم الأول حجماً تمثيلياً هو 24/1 وبحقيبة هامشية كوزارة السياحة
ويستذكر قادة مسيحيون أن مضمون الشراكة المسيحية في النظام الطائفي رسمته معادلات الاتفاق الثلاثي مقارنة بواقع الطائف، والذي في كل الاحوال حتى ولو احسن تطبيقه حرفياً لا يعطي التمثيل المسيحي في السلطة حجماً حقيقياً وموقعاً في الحياة الداخلية وصلاحيات دستورية في عمل النظام بمقدار ما كان سيؤمنه الاتفاق الثلاثي الذي كرس بالتفصيل صيغة «المثالثة» في المواقع وفي الشراكة، وتعامل مع المواقع المسيحية في السلطة على قدم المساواة في الاحجام والصلاحيات مع المواقع السنية والشيعية، وكان ذلك نتيجة مفاوضات صعبة وشاقة قادها ايلي حبيقة بحرص شديد رافضاً أي تصرف «الحاقي» في اي مواقع طائفية اخرى تمثل المسيحيين وأي تغاضى في حجم العلاقات والدور في تركيبة السلطة التي أقرها الاتفاق الثلاثي. كما يقول أحد المسيحيين الحقوقيين المهتمين في اجراء مقارنات في الصلاحية بين ما تبقى لرئاسة الجمهورية في نصوص الطائف او بين الموقع الرئيسي المتساوي مع الموقعين الشيعي والسني في الصيغة التي توصل لها الاتفاق الثلاثي والتي وضعت في هيئة مجلس رئاسي، وبالتالي فان انقلاب جعجع على الاتفاق الثلاثي ادخل المسيحيين في حالة من الاستنزاف عبرت عنها الحرب التي شنت ضد العماد عون واضطرته الى مغادرة البلاد. وكانت الثمرة اتفاق الطائف، ولو جاز للمسيحيين ان يعينوا المسؤول عن خفض سقف الدور المسيحي في النظام اللبناني الى ما دون التسوية التي ابرمها حبيقة في الاتفاق الثلاثي، فان جعجع بنظرهم هو المسؤول مرتين، المرة الأولى عندما انقلب على الاتفاق الثلاثي والمرة الثانية لانه أعطى الفرصة لحرب داخل المناطق المسيحية ووافق على السقف الادنى الذي قلص صلاحيات رئيس الجمهورية لصالح حلفائه في الطائفة السنية، بينما بقي حبيقة على قناعاته وثوابته واسس حزب «الوعد» رافضاً مصادرة اسم القوات اللبنانية احتراماً ووفاء لدور بشير الجميل مؤسس القوات اللبنانية معتبراً أن عائلة بشير وابنه هما الاحق بالتسمية، كما رفض مصادرة اسم حزب الكتائب احتراماً ووفاء لدور بيار الجميل ونجله امين وعندما حاول كشف خيوط مجزرة صبرا وشاتيلا التي لاحقته «كالظل» سقط شهيداً «مظلوماً».
والآن في ظل ما تشهده البلاد يحاول المسيحيون ان يتذكروا تلك الحقبة والمرحلة التي ظلمها البعض في حينه، وجاءت النتائج والانجازات بعد 23 سنة دون المستوى بكثير.. فهل يتعظ البعض.

Bashir Gemayel and ELIE Hobeika , ARE turning in their Graves, when they see these pathetic " New Alliances " made in Neoconville USA , Midwifed by amine Gemayel, between the so-called LF, Joumblatt " The NEW Darling of the Neocons" and other unsavory Characters not worth mentioning here. WALEED JOUMBLATT, Amine Gemayel, The Batrak , Geagea the monster,and ALL the March 14th jerks, have permanently DERAILED, AND ELIMINATED FOR GOOD, the heavenly gatherings of good will and NONSECTARIAN MANIFESTATIONS of a NON-SECTARIAN NATIONAL IDENTITY, FREE FROM THE SHACKLES OF FEUDAL POLITICS...
Arithmetic of Disdain

There is no democracy in the world that should tolerate Air Raids being done for decades by IAF at its cities, without taking every reasonable step to stop the attacks. The big question raised by Israel's military actions in Lebanon is why all this "DISDAIN." ?
The answer, according to the laws of humanity, is that it is racism, jealousy and pure HATE, to attack civilian targets, for so long in Lebanon, as every effort is made to reduce to rubble any peace, and maximize civilian casualties in Lebanon in order to satisfy the consecutive Israeli leader's lust for violence, destruction and death, in Lebanon and beyond, because of a "culture of Violence" so pervasive in Israel and in USA.
If the objectives cannot be achieved without "clear excuses", the Israelis and the Americans will "invent or Create" a "terrorist Act", in a false flag operational scheme, to get their ways and continue the hegemonic lust for "energy" control and "protection".
Some civilian casualties, that must be "proportional" to their Strategic Goals, or collateral Damage, as they call it, amounting to several hundreds of thousands of DEATHS, in Iraq, or in Lebanon, or Palestine, or anywhere else, is "worth it" in their book...
Casualties that would be prevented by the Peaceful coexistence, is never in the cards for Israel or USA's administrations.
This is all well and good for democratic nations that deliberately locate their military bases away from civilian population centers. Israel has its air force, nuclear facilities and large army bases in locations as remote as anything can be in that country. It is possible for an enemy to attack Israeli military targets without inflicting "collateral damage" on its civilian population, because Israel has received and continue to receive TENS of Billions of US dollars, in order to turn its territory into an Offensive Military Machine, bent on terrorizing the whole area for decades, until all energy supplies in the area run out, then, they might "consider" PEACE.
Hezbollah and others, by contrast, try to protect their countrymen and women, the best way they can, with the little means they have to operate with, and mount a military Resistance structure, out of densely populated areas, because over the years, Israel has forcibly pushed the populations of south Lebanon to head north, in order to escape the brutality if its daily bombardments, and repetitive brutal incursions and invasions of south Lebanon, for over forty years. They launch antipersonnel missiles with ball-bearing shrapnel, designed locally, because they cannot acquire adequate defensive weapons from the WEST, to defend themselves, and they do that, in order by to maximize Israeli military and other casualties, in a desperate attempt to keep Israeli offenses from annihilating whole villages and towns throughout Lebanon. This chorus of futile and "shy" condemnation of Israel over the years, actually encourages the Israelis to operate freely and terrorize cities, towns, villages, Hospitals, ambulances in all civilian areas, all over Lebanon and beyond. While Israel does everything to maximize civilian casualties on Lebanese civilians, in a desperate attempt to foment civilian unrest, and condemnation of the Hizbullah Resistance, a diplomat commented years ago, that Israel "have mastered the harsh arithmetic of DISDAIN. . . . Lebanese casualties play in their favor and Pals. casualties play in their favor." These are groups that send children to schools like everybody else in this world, and sometimes without the child or the parent knowing that his child will ever come back home from school, or might be sacrificed in an Israeli or American Air Raid somewhere. Several thousands have died in these raids in south Lebanon, Iraq, or Afghanistan recently. This misuse of civilians as targets and fuel for American and Israeli Proxy Wars, requires a reassessment of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions, and the ICC in the Hague.
The distinction between combatants and civilians -- easy when combatants were uniformed members of armies that fought on battlefields distant from civilian centers -- is very easy in the present context. Now, there is a continuum of "BESTIALITY", Made In Israel and USA worldwide, laws must change, in order to take to courts and indict the Barbarians in the Pentagon and Tel-Aviv. Near the most civilian end of this continuum are the pure innocents -- babies, hostages and others completely uninvolved; at the more combatant end are civilians who willingly harbor Resistance, provide material resources and serve as human support; in the middle are those who support the Hizbullah fighters politically, materially and spiritually, just like in the second world war. The laws of war and the rules of morality must adapt to these realities. An analogy to domestic criminal law is instructive: A bank robber who takes a teller hostage and fires at police from behind his human shield is guilty of murder if they, in an effort to stop the robber from shooting, accidentally kill the hostage. The same should be true of Israelis who use civilians as targets from behind F16s and F15s and SAAR naval gun boats, and indiscriminately and brutally they fire their rockets. The Israeli state' terrorists must be held legally and morally responsible for the deaths of the civilians, even if the direct physical cause was an Israeli rocket anywhere. Israel fired hundreds of thousands of mortar shells in south Lebanon over the years, they should be made to pay compensation and damages to all families, towns and municipalities for the damages they inflict. Lebanon must be allowed to finish the fight that Israel and America started over 60 years ago, even if that means military and civilian casualties in Israel . A Lebanese democracy is entitled to prefer the lives of its own innocents over the lives of the civilians of an aggressor, especially if the latter group contains many who are complicit in deliberate terrorism worldwide. Israel will -- and should -- take every precaution to minimize civilian casualties on the other side, because Israel has a history of deliberately executing false flag operations and terrorism with their US allies. On July 16, Hassan Nasrallah, the head of Hezbollah, announced there will be new "surprises," and Israel will be resisted, repelled and Beaten, wall to wall, if it continues its daily aggressions over Lebanon, and keeps occupying the Shebaa farms.
Cluster Bombs and other illegal weapons that are used by IDF, IAF and other rockets will be allowed to be pre-empted by the WESTERN world one day ???? Or their use will be a perpetual, deliberate Imperial Design to keep this whole area on a powder keg for ever? At least until all Energy resources have been exhausted? Israel never left Sheba'a Farms of Lebanon in 2000 and will have to do so soonest. These are "occupied" territories. Yet they serve as launching pads for attacks on Lebanese civilians daily. Occupation does cause Resistance, and, Israel, the US and the UN know that the term "terrorism" seems to cause more resistance to injustice, because it is used and abused in the wrong context deliberately to smear just causes worldwide. The "Western world" has to come to its senses soon, and ensure that these so-called Leaders of the State of Israel cease to be terrorists, and Israel ceases to be a safe haven for a Global Mafia....
There seems to be a common factor between these events, however, one can say that there are three substantial crises in which the world has been severely embroiled since the beginning of the new millennium. The current year that is about to end has been a milestone in the dynamics that can be summarized in: the crisis of the global financial system, the crisis of the international security system and the crisis of universal democratic expansion.
The first crisis, which is symbolized by the collapse of the monetary unit of the global capitalist economy, namely the dollar, in reality, exceeds being an important indicator and reflects a deep structural deadlock that has plagued the capitalist system from within. A set of successive studies had elaborated upon the magnitude of the threat that endangers the world economy. These studies include distinguished French economist Patrick Artus’ book ‘Le capitalisme est en train de s'autodétruire’ [Capitalism will Destruct Itself] and ‘Les Incendiaires’ as well as works by American economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz.
I believe that the world today is on the brink of a crisis that would be worse than the crisis of 1929. Some of the indicators of this include: the rise of American debt to a rate of 230% of the Gross National Product, the financial collapse caused by the separation of financial liquidity from economic activity (the first signs of which appeared in the terrible experiences of Latin America in the eighties and in Asia in the nineties) as well as the simultaneous rise in the prices of oil and food that leads banks to raise interest rates, in addition to serious social ramifications.
I believe that the three mechanisms that allowed capitalism to contain its internal crises over the past sixty years are no longer effective. These three mechanisms include the social security system, the policy of monetary intervention that was developed by [John Maynard] Keynes to absorb external shocks and the policy of intensifying consumption by raising the wages of workers that was developed by the American Industrialist Ford.
As for the security crisis, it seems evident on three distinct levels, which are:
- The strategic impasse that was generated by the failure of traditional mechanisms to administer the international system and the inability to replace these mechanisms with effective ones so as to control new international relations that are no longer determined by the logic of the balance of power and the dualism of ally versus enemy.
- The failure of the strategy used in combating terrorism, which formed the theoretical and normative framework of the American vision that was aimed at combating the so-called balanced conflicts, in other words the structural link between religious extremism, rogue regimes and weapons of mass destruction.
- The international failure to contain internal conflicts that now form the most dangerous security challenge in most parts of the world. These conflicts have an obvious disastrous impact upon the nature of national entities and the relationship within nationalities, cultures and sects in a way that allows for discussion on the growing threat of “universal civil conflict”.
As for the crisis of democratic expansion, this is evident through the failure of various attempts of transformation and political openness that once appeared to be promising in the post-Cold War era, which was widely considered the era of democracy’s triumph and the defeat of tyranny and totalitarian regimes.
What we are clearly witnessing today is the emergence of new models of governance that use the mechanisms of free elections and open media to tighten the unilateral grip on power by focusing upon the wealth brought in from revenues from raw materials and oil, as is the case in Putin’s regime in Russia and Chavez’s regime in Venezuela. These regimes may also depend upon security-financial networks that establish new forms of oligarchic regimes which in turn are not impeded by the democracy’s formal mechanism of transformation of power, as is the case with a number of regimes in Eastern Europe and Africa. Such transformation poses fundamental questions over the efficacy of the procedural dimension of democracy in ensuring public freedoms outside the context of liberal environments. This in turn could result in the emergence of patterns of “soft” dictatorships as expressed by great French philosopher Jacques Derrida who asserted upon the automatic tendency of democracy to de-construct... ?


coming to a place near you SOON!!!!?
The awakening is near. It will be like a
hurricane passing....
Mark my Words: In the 80s... the Catch
phrase in Washington DC was , is :
Ohh: " Senator, I Don't Recall... "
during the Iran-Contra Gate...
In the coming years, very soon, the
Catch Phrase in Washington DC, is
for sure, and will be : " Senator: It is
YET to be determined..." " Who did
what,to the energy security of the USA,
where and When..........Senators,
" It is Yet to be determined ???
In the New Energy World War IV ,


Our people have been corrupted physically and spiritually. Our great country will come apart. Regions will come together look around was your town there before oil? If not bye bye. All those things that had value pre-cheap energy will be the new fashion we will cannibalize like Rome. Not to worry there are plenty of landfills. Love and family will have new meaning. Judgment day will be near.
Just Be yourself, The Empire is crumbling...
I don't believe in "average people" doing anything. People ought to support mitigation and adaptation within their own line of work, no matter how un-average that is. I mean: if you're butcher, baker, ballerina, banker, or a plumber, envision yourself as the post-fossil-fuel version of yourself, and get right after it. We'd be best off struggling to create some kind of Solidarnosc-style entirely alternate society, for a 1989-sized across-the-board upheaval. So, just, well, stop co-operating with the status quo. Stop collaborating. Stop being afraid and stop feeling helpless. Just stop all that and start living by entirely other means.
Society lacks the proper mind state and will to address the Peak Oil crisis appropriately. I conclude by taking a look at what people can do to prepare themselves for what is to come, as well as looking at small renewable technologies which may be helpful going forward.... what is critical to understand at the outset is that renewables are not being viewed as a way to transition away from, or even to limit, the consumption of hydrocarbons, but rather to supplement over-consumption....With renewables being used to supplement over-consumption and promote SUSTAINABLE DESTRUCTION, there is no possible way renewable energy can offer a path to true sustainability. A massive shift in human consciousness is a prerequisite to any hope of technological mitigation of the Peak Oil crisis.
In that decline [of fossil fuels], we are faced with two choices. One is a cleaner, safer, more just and equitable world founded on a transformational shift in cultural values and technologies in harmony with the cycles of nature. The other is a world that descends into the darkest period in human history; one -- dare I say it? -- of apocalyptic proportions where people and cultures and nations fight for the last drops of oil before the lamps go out. The first choice rides on the wings of a redefined personal values, while the second exploits cultural biases and human fears.(2 October 2005) .
Mark Twain is reported to have said, "Tell me where you get your corn pone and I'll tell you what your opinions are." This is reasonable in civilized society but in forager society, most of the people except the very young and the aged can feed themselves by their own efforts- they ate what they found. When the culture of stasis broke out, the sedentary society was located in one place and social hierarchies determined the allocation of land and they determined who was to eat, what they ate and how much, because of the elite control of the mass. In Natural human culture with emphasis on relationship and cooperation, there is the ability to satisfy human needs (food-shelter-love). Power is latent in the ability of the tribe to cooperate and work together for its continuance. Power is also latent in the respect for elders' knowledge and wisdom. The youth do not know because they do not have experience.
The elders do know, they have lived through the experiences. In the hunt, in foraging, in personal relationships, the youth respect and listen to the elders because that is how they have always learned since infancy. Wisdom is an extremely important factor in Natural human culture. Wisdom leads to authority. But, even though there is authority and respect there is no centralized power or coercion. Power in the tribe lies with each person; it is not centralized.
It is not the power of the one to compel the many. It is the power created by the many working together. The French anthropologist, Pierre Clastres has explored this question of "political structure" in Natural human society. What he has determined is that tribal society in the Americas, where he studied, are arranged so as to prevent centralized power from arising
The largest flare in modern times was recorded in November 2003 and was estimated to be an X-40. It, too, was on the limb of the Sun and so its full impact was not felt on Earth. That flare was part of an unprecedented series of 10 major flares within two weeks
"But be sure of this, that if the head of the househad known at what time of the night the thief was coming,he would have been on the alert and would nothave allowed his house to be broken into."Matthew 24:43
in the first degree God enters into the soul and she turns inward into herself. in the second she ascends above herself and is lifted up to God. in the third the soul, lifted up to God, passes over altogether into Him. in the fourth the soul goes forth on God's behalf and descends bellow herself
"A key to life is being able to downsize without losing your dignity."
'fire', are we capable of handling the powerful tool with respect, integrity, and without burning down everything around us through selfishness, fear, and arrogance. If faced with a choice between self-interest and truth/balance (I.e. 'Maat') that are in direct conflict with each other, which would you choose? That is the ultimate test of the Grail.

Beauty is being aware of it, and not using it for the advancement of ego-based self-interest. Of course, it's the very opposite of the mentality capitalism needs from people to keep the system moving forward.Shu had an inseparable twin sister named Tefnut who in turn, and along with Shu, was identified with Maat, the goddess of truth and balance. The imagery of the 'Hall of Maat' between this world and the other world, or earth and heaven, in which the newly deceased have to face the 'weighing of the heart' judgment.
there are as many people alive now as have ever lived.north America has produced more in the past 200 plus years as has ever been produced since man's first civilizations.
am sure people concerned about the up and coming peak in global oil production are aware of the statistics concerning energy consumption in the USA. It goes something like "The United States has 5% of the world's population but consumes 25% of its oil."The other less well known statistic I would like to throw into the pot is that the USA produces 25% of the world's GDP. Out of a total of about $50 trillion worldwide, the US GDP is about $12 trillion.This first came to my attention when Matt Simmons was answering a question from Mike Ruppert on gross American oil consumption at a Peak Oil conference earlier this year....

Matt's answer stuck in my mind: "America consumes 25% of the world's energy but produces 25% of its GDP."That seems like a good correlation, 25% of the world's economy for 25% of its energy. Moreover, to do this with only 5% of the world's people looked like good productivity. Then again, I thought to myself and wondered about energy efficiency as a proportion of GDP. After all, weren't we all meant to be producing one dollar of GDP for increasingly less energy these past 30 years?...
So, two things that make America the mightiest but also makes it the most energy voracious - its wealth and its unrestricted size.Peak Oil is unlikely to address the size of America, but we can be sure it is going to address the total wealth that will circulate in these decades to come.(27 September 2005)
There is an emerging consensus now that we are either very close to or have passed the peak in world oil production. As someone who has been involved in environmental issues for 16 years, and permaculture for 13 years, I have to ask myself how I didn’t see this one coming. Its implications are profound. No longer is it in any way an appropriate response to say ‘we need to recycle’, when the process of recycling require transporting recyclable waste long distances. We have to look much deeper at the whole waste question. An excellent recent report by Tim Lang and Jules Pretty “Farm Costs and Food Miles:
An Assessment of the Full Cost of the UK Weekly Food Basket”, argued that food could only be called sustainable when it is grown and consumed within a 20 mile radius. We have to build a local food economy from an almost totally non-existent base. There has been no time in history when anything less than 70% of the population were involved in some way in the production of food. Nowadays it is more like 6% (in Ireland), and of those, a high proportion would have lost much of that knowledge. ‘Green’ building that relies on imported ‘ecological’ materials from Germany or Denmark will no longer be viable, leading to our needing to rethink how we will actually construct energy efficient shelter in a lower energy near future. We are looking at the need for a process of localization, of looking at what is essential to our lives (food, warmth, shelter, water) and rebuilding the local economy in such a way that it is actually able to supply these. The process of dismantling our diverse and complex local economics over the last 50-60 years was a disastrous one – it was easy to do but incredibly hard to rebuild
we are building a new world, even as the old one crumbles around us. And as the old ways slowly self-destruct, more and more thoughtful people are seeing that this new way of life is necessary, attainable, and right. Ecovillages are beginning to pop up everywhere, like jonquils in the spring, providing hope for a new balance with nature.That illusion will go away if gasoline becomes a gem. Families may change their patterns. As folks find it more and more expensive to travel far, they may reel in those distances.
(That is, if they like one another.) If we know we won't get to see our aging parents or our cousins or sibs very often, we may more frequently choose to live nearer. The virtual cohesion of cell phone and computer may not satisfy; we may seek physical cohesion.Will a New American Tribalism result? Will resident families come to dominate certain regions? Or will the effect be more benign? Will the family make a comeback?Conventional heating and air-conditioning systems are by far the greediest of all power pigs. They account for more than half of the energy slurped up in an average U.S. house.
So what if climate control, or ``engineered air,'' were less a part of our lives? What if we had to go back to letting the climate control us somewhat more?This is the time of year when Arctic sea ice shrinks to its annual minimum, and satellite measurements indicate that the ice cover has fallen below a "tipping point" from which it may not recover. By the end of the century, and possibly much earlier, the polar region seems likely to be ice-free through the summer months -- a condition that has not occurred for roughly a million years.The consequences of such change are enormous, and reach far beyond the sea-level changes from which Minnesotans may feel comfortably distant. Sea ice is a great stabilizer of the global climate, a sort of flywheel that smoothes and slows the impact of changes occurring elsewhere in the system. Without it, those unhappy trends will widen and accelerate
water is the blood of the earth, and flows through its muscles and veins. therefore it is something that has complete faculties....it accumulated in heaven and earth, and stored up in various things (of the world). it comes forth in metal and stone, and is concentrated in living creatures. therefore it is said that water is something spiritual. being accumulated in plants and trees, their stems gain orderly progression from it, their flowers obtain their proper number, fruits gain their proper measure. the bodies of birds and beasts, through having it, become fat and large; their feathers and hair become luxuriant, and their stripes and markings are made apparent. the reason why creatures can realize their potentialities and grow to the norm is that the inner regulation of their water is in accord....man is water, and when the producing elements of male and female unite, liquid flows into forms....thus water becomes accumulated in jade, and the nine virtues appear. it congeals to form man, and his nine openings and five viscera appears. this is its refined essence....what is it, then, that has complete faculties? it is water. there is not one of the various things which is not produced through it. it is only he who knows how to rely (on its principles) who can act correctly.
One can speculate on the origins of this paradox. There is a well-researched phenomenon in evolutionary biology called Zahavi's handicap principle, which establishes that certain types of animal morphology and behavior evolve precisely because they reduce the animal's fitness and penalize its chance for survival. A peacock's tail is an obvious example. One can observe that a peacock's tail is almost "deliberately designed" to introduce a higher cost for survival for the host animal and therefore to communicate to others (including predators and potential mates) that the peacock-carrier of the larger tail is the animal with superior genes.I propose that a very smart person deliberately ignoring reality and expressing extremely shallow opinions with extreme confidence based on no thinking at all behaves much like a peacock advertising to predators his costly tail.

The message that he broadcasts is basically this: "Look at me -- I am so obviously smart that I can deliberately make extremely dumb statements with a very high degree of confidence; it takes a really high-IQ person to totally ignore reality and still be this confident in his forecast".Under these circumstances, the worst possible thing someone on the receiving end of an "opinion" can do is to assume that smarter people express more informed, more based-on-reality, and more rational opinions. I cannot warn people strongly enough: beware of smart people expressing confident opinions or forecasts.
Life's gift of ancient hydro-carbons, an account of life, is now winding down. It will do this at an astrological point that Mayan myth says is a turning point. We see that now with peak oil an global warming. The truth is out an awakening will begin. Goodbye globalism hello localism. God have pity on those who stand in the way. Nature carries a balance. Nature enjoys nature and only nature can over come nature.
Is not our destruction and exploitation of planet Earth no different then any other natural occurrence....we think we are special and we claim to have a special relationship with divinity but we are no more and no less than the sacred and geologic in techno-flesh and blood. In (no) time we are ancient and new...ancient energy changing form
"Picture Hell as a state where everyone is perpetually concerned about his own dignity and advancement, where everyone has a grievance, and where everyone lives the deadly serious passion of envy, self-importance, and resentment". I don't , never have , never will , but I will do something about changing what and where I can around me.
Taming the beast!
By Maher Osseiran
The neo-conservatives’ six years in power have turned the country into a ferocious beast, despised more than feared by the people of the world, except for certain client governments, while domestically, the country is no longer recognizable by the staunchest of patriots as their place of birth.
In November 2006, the country spoke and voted into power their only alternative, the Democrats, and tasked them with finding a way out of Iraq and preventing wider wars.
Pelosi surrendered impeachment, the only weapon the Democrats had, before the elections, and by bowing to the wishes of AIPAC, took out any language from the appropriation bill that would force Bush to come to congress prior to any military action against Iran; again ceding the power to wage war to an irresponsible president. Pelosi tells us that such language is not good for Israel.
The neo-cons, with AIPAC clearly on their side and keeping the Democrats at bay, are not too concerned.
Democrats and Neo-cons have their focus on the prize of 2008; who is going to ride the beast. The Neo-cons have two years to make the beast even more ferocious, more wars, to scare off the Democrats, while the Democrats are hoping to tame the beast before they take the reins.
Attempts at taming are a whole series of grandstanding such as the Alberto Gonzales issue, an issue caused by the Democrats’ unwillingness to take a stand to the Patriot Act, and the Walter Reed fiasco and the treatment of the veterans where both parties are equally to blame over the past administrations.
In certain circles, grandstanding is no longer an option, the beast needs to be slain, but once slain, the Democrats lose their ride.
Kucinich tells us that impeachment should be back on the table, but we need to proceed with caution otherwise Bush can quickly take us through another war.
I guess Kucinich is right, a dragged out investigative and impeachment process would allow Bush plenty of time to launch a new war; we do need to thank his enablers, the conservative democrats, Pelosi, and AIPAC too.
The only thing that is left is the slaying of the beast, the only way to recover our democracy and dignity, and sorry democrats, your ship has sailed.
Impeachment is still the process in a democracy, but the cause for impeachment needs to be a crime that is on the books, a crime that is apolitical (outside politics), a crime that is easy for everyone to understand and accept; shoplifting would be a good example, but a crime that is much more heinous which would stop Bush in his tracks.
There is such a crime; the crime is high treason with intent,
and extra-judicial assassinations of foreign leaders, and
siphoning off Iraqi monies for use in extra judicial covert
operations worldwide, especially in Lebanon and the middle
east at large. http://newhk.blogspot.com/
There is ample evidence that the Bush administration was the closest of any to capturing Bin Laden on September 26, 2001, but deliberately decided not to.
On September 21, 2001, the Bush administration launched a sting operation, with the help of Saudi intelligence, which was originally designed to capture Bin Laden; after 9/11 the operation evolved into two parts.
The first part was to tape him confessing to his guilt.
The second part was to capture him.
The first part was successfully executed on September 26, 2001. The result was the grainy videotape of Bin Laden confessing at a dinner meeting to a paraplegic visitor and providing proof of detailed prior knowledge.
The Bush administration had four days advance knowledge of the date of the meeting, 24 hours advance knowledge of the location of the meeting, and knew that Bin Laden would be in that village for at least three hours if not overnight since his family lived in that village too.
The better part of the sting was squandered in favor of taping, if Bin Laden were captured, the Bush administration could not have launched military actions against Afghanistan ten days later.
An intelligence operative was left behind to alert the special forces of Bin Laden’s return to visit with his family. It is then that the second part of the sting operation would be executed; his capture.
Bin Laden returned the evening of November 2, 2001. The weather was freezing rain. Despite the inclement weather, two Special Forces helicopters were dispatched, a Predator prototype (the most sophisticated at the time in the Air Force arsenal, one of two prototypes in operation), and F-14 jets circulated overhead.
Due to the bad weather, the airspace shrunk and brought the aircrafts too close to each other, while the helicopter is equipped with a collision avoidance system, the Predator drone is not. The drone collided with one of the helicopters and they both crashed.
The second helicopter rescued the crew of the first and an F-14 destroyed the crashed helicopter shortly after.
A crash allowed Bin Laden to get away.
The capture mission failed.
Bin Laden is still free because of the premeditated decision to tape him instead of capturing when the Bush Administration had its best chances.
But that is not the end of it; there is another incident that qualifies as premeditated high treason.
Since Bin Laden is still free, the videotape resulting from the first part of the sting operation can only be described as a sensitive by-product of a failed intelligence operation.
Buckling under pressure from the Muslim and Arab streets for proof that Bin Laden is responsible for 9/11, the Bush administration released the only evidence it had of his guilt. The White House and the Pentagon tell us that there was ample deliberation, indicating a premeditated act, of the consequences of its release; the videotape was released on December 13, 2001.
The one major consequence they don’t want anyone to know about is how Bin Laden would react when viewing the tape. Inevitably, Bin Laden was to see that tape and he would quickly realize that it was taped covertly. He would realize how close intelligence operatives were to him; basically they could have captured him.
The only time Bin Laden took exception to his own security rules in meeting visitors – he went to this visitor in accommodation to the visitor’s handicap (paraplegic) while other visitors were always brought to him under a strict security protocol – he gets taped covertly confessing by intelligence operatives.
The very serious consequence of releasing the tape is that security around Bin Laden will get even tighter and no one would ever get close to him again regardless of how honest the effort is by this administration or any future one.
The most wanted man in America for a crime that resulted in 3,000 deaths is still at large as a result of deliberate and premeditated acts by the Bush administration and the second of which insured that he would never be caught.
The evidence was strong enough that many in congress were informed, including Kucinich, Judiciary committees in house and senate, the attorney generals of the states of Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York, the Manhattan DA, and the DoJ through Patrick Fitzgerald.
No one would act for fear of slaying the beast and losing the ride. While the democrats are busy taming, more of our kids and innocent Iraqis are dying, and more of our national wealth is being squandered.
The Democrats’ plan forward is best described by a word used by Senator Biden -- “recovery”. Gambling on a recovery is their answer to these heavy losses in Iraq; ante funds for the war now so they could have the opportunity to recover something later, anything.
Unfortunately, nothing that could be recovered in Iraq is worth what has already been laid out; constitutional democracy will not take hold in Iraq and the liberal new Iraq Energy law that would allow American oil companies to siphon off Iraqi oil for pennies will remain ink on paper.
As it stands, we are, and will remain net losers in this war on terror since we have lost the dearest thing to us as a nation, our constitution; the soul of our country. While Iraq has nothing to offer that would extinguish the sorrow of the grieving families, recovering our soul and that of our country, might give them some solace.
The Bush administration has done many horrible things and this heinous crime of high treason will undoubtedly come to light one day: the sooner it does, the better.

It is time to slay the beast, there isn’t a moment to waste in getting our country back and showing a doubting world that our democracy is truly breathing and that no one is above the rule of law; not even George W. Bush.
Reference Articles:
“Osama’s Confession; Osama’s Reprieve”… Maher Osseiran, Counterpunch, August 21, 2006.
“Is it high treason or just a simple case of dereliction of duty?”… Maher Osseiran, The Muckraker Report, January 11, 2007.
“Bush, Blair, and the Terrorism Shell Game.”…Maher Osseiran, The Muckraker Report, February 20, 2007
Maronite Patriarch Elias Hoyek, a man of Honor, Integrity, dedication and courage.

False Flag Operations, and Assassinations EXPERT.


As A " Side NOTE "
I’m told by Intelligence sources that while Rafic Hariri was in the US visiting Donald Rumsfeld, he mentions Koley'at Airport again... but an agreement failed to materialize again.Hariri was approached by US Intelligence earlier and had refused categorically to discuss US rights for an Air Base in North Lebanon, specifically the Koleiat Airport. Rafic Hariri was eyeing a pristine stretch of beach front land properties north of Tripoli , stretching for miles inland and into the hills behind it, and north to AKKAR . These beaches are of an immense value for a developer and Hariri had huge plans for the area,after he finds a permanent solution to settle the Palestinian refugees elsewhere. He had specific plans for that too, but did not want any Syrian meddling into these monumental projects, and local SUNNI traditional Leaderships did not like very much Hariri having an eye on these areas, especially that if he were to develop such properties, immense benefits for the area would ensue, with thousands of jobs at stake and economic development for an area desperate for investment and jobs. Had he succeeded in getting these projects off the ground, Rafic Hariri would have threatened the local traditional Sunni leaders of Tripoli, and his hegemonistic leadership on the Sunnis in Lebanon would have been almost complete.... but Rafic refused to play ball with the Americans and he wanted to develop that particular airport himself and turn it into a major international tourist hub, after building huge projects in the area . In order to protect his new "turf" and his potential Mega-investments in the North Lebanon, he resorted to a dangerous tactic, traditional to his Saudi Mentors.... Extreme Sunni local tribes, "turned Jihadists" in order to scare overseas investors and Imperial Hubris from poking in his projected new investment territories, and keep everyone away from the "prize"....the end result is what we see today in the North Of Lebanon, in Nahr Al-Bared and in all of the areas stretching from Jubeil, all the way to Kleiat and Akkar....[ watch and learn from the New Hollywoodian long Film, Unfold in front of your very eyes...]

When this approach with Hariri failed, the US turned to another local Sunni with strong ties to the Syrians...What I can tell you is that 4 years ago, a Lebanese middleman approached then Transport Minister Najib Mikati and told him the US is very keen on Koley'at. Mikati went to see his Syrian mentors (Makhloufs) and tried to woo them by promising riches ensuing from modernization work on the airport and basing rights for the US Air Force and NATO etc. At first the Syrians were willing to play, then US-Syrian relations soured.... for a while..... a tug of war is sure to unfold here, and the winners will have a big prize.


“It is even probable that the supremacy of nations may be determined by the possession of available petroleum and its products.”
—President Coolidge...
We Fight for Oil ....
Ludwell Denny
We Decide to Go On Fighting ...
THE oil problem of the United States is acute. Industry and the army and navy are dependent on adequate future reserves. The demand is increasing. The supply is decreasing. Domestic resources under a competitive and wasteful system are being rapidly exhausted. Basic conservation is blocked by $11,000,000,000 of private capital controlling the industry. The Federal Government is not disposed to force drastic reforms upon private industry, and its constitutional power to do so is questioned. In the future the United States must depend increasingly upon foreign sources for essential commercial and military-naval supplies.
American acquisition of foreign reserves is blocked in many places by Great Britain. The British have been more successful than Americans in grabbing foreign fields. The British Government virtually excludes Americans from productive areas of the Empire. The British dominate the world’s remaining supply. They are conserving their reserve, while helping to drain American pools.
This situation produces a basic conflict between American and British companies and between the Washington and London Governments. That conflict is intensified by British Government ownership and direction of a company which is reaching out for territories flanking the Panama Canal. Oil is also drawing the Washington Government into dangerous disputes with Latin American, European, and Asiatic countries over property rights. But these manifold conflicts converge in the struggle between the United States and Britain over the world’s limited petroleum reserve as a determining weapon in their rivalry for commercial and naval supremacy.
In retaliation for Great Britain’s policy and position there is a growing demand that British companies be excluded from American fields. Already there are laws excluding foreign companies from American Government land’s. But British penetration increases.
Discussing the unusual expansion in 1927 of the four large oil groups operating in the United States, the Wall Street Journal stated: “With its usual foresight, the Royal Dutch-Shell group has been in the forefront of expansion. Through subsidiaries it financed, during 1927, $105,000,000 new money in this country at an average cost of around 5 per cent on long-term basis. All but $25,000,000 was for its American subsidiary, Shell Union Oil Company, so its integration efforts have been centered in the United States. Royal Dutch extended its pipe-line from St. Louis to Chicago, completed a modern refinery there and started to develop adjacent markets intensively. It has taken a big position in west Texas with gathering lines to radiate to numerous fields, tying into a trunk-line to pipe oil all the way into Chicago. Some $30,000,000 of new money is to be used for pipe-line development.”261 In the period 1923-27 the network of trunk pipe-lines controlled by Dutch-Shell here is understood to have increased from less than 1,000 miles to 2,064 miles. Among its 1927 acquisitions was a 600-acre terminal on the Houston Ship Channel.
Dutch-Shell’s 1926 annual report showed that 35 per cent of its total world production came from the United States.262 This was a nominal decrease from 40 per cent in 1925, explained by the company’s increased production in Venezuela. But actual Deterding production here rose in 1926, and further in 1927 to an acknowledged total of 42,300,000 barrels.
Dutch-Shell (Shell Union Oil and subsidiaries) led all other companies in production in the United States in 1924 and 1925, and was third in 1926, according to the Federal Trade Commission oil report of 1927.
As we have seen, Dutch-Shell in the two and a half year period ending June 30, 1926, increased its land holdings in this country over 500 per cent, acquiring in that time 1,352,643 acres mostly in unproven lands, according to the same authority. With a total acreage of 1,665,402, Dutch-Shell was the largest American land-owner in 1926 excepting only Standard of New Jersey, Gulf, and Texas. These production and ownership statistics for Dutch-Shell are based only on holdings reported to the Commission. No authoritative data are available for the increase in Dutch-Shell oil lands in the United States since June 30, 1926.
Foreign-controlled producing companies (chiefly Dutch-Shell) held 13.4 per cent of the total reported proven and unproven oil lands in June 1926, compared with 51 per cent held by Standard companies and 35.6 by Independents, according to the Commission. Concerning Dutch-Shell production, the Commission said:
“In 1924 and 1925 the Shell Union Oil Corporation, controlled by the Royal Dutch-Shell combination, ranked first among all of the oil-producing companies of the country and in 1926 it was third. Its total production exceeded 40,000,000 barrels in each of those years. Its producing subsidiary and affiliated companies were the Shell Oil Company of California, the Roxana Petroleum Corporation, the Wolverine Oil Company and the Comar Oil Company. The Comar Oil Company is owned jointly by the Roxana Petroleum Corporation and the Marland Oil Company and it is operated by the Roxana.”263
The importance of so-called unproven lands, of which Dutch-Shell acquired 1,349,320 acres in the two and a half years ending June 30, 1926, was stressed by the Commission: “The holdings of unproven acreage indicate the activity of producing companies in attempting to discover new oil reserves. ... The holdings of certain companies lie largely in oil fields that have been producing for many years, while other companies have most of their acreage in the newer fields. Consequently the relative importance of different producing companies cannot be determined by the size of their holdings of proven oil lands. The existence of oil under unproven lands can be determined only by drilling oil wells. Many of the present highly productive oil pools were tested in the past and considered barren of oil, only to be drilled to a much greater depth at a later date and found to be highly productive.”
Immediately following Standard’s published attacks on Dutch-Shell in connexion with Russian oil and the Indian sales strife, the Washington Government struck at the British trust. Secretary Wilbur appointed a special board of admirals to investigate how much United States navy royalty oil Dutch-Shell was getting, and to recommend legislation to stop such sales. Rear-Admiral H.H. Rousseau, chief of the Naval Oil Office and chairman of the investigating board, on March 26, 1928, testified at hearings of the House Naval Affairs Committee on this subject. As reported by the Washington United States Daily:
“The only specific case of export traced, he said, was that of the Honolulu Consolidated Oil Company, of California, which has a lease on Reserve No. 2 at Buena Vista Hills. The production of this lease, he said, was between 250,000 and 300,000 barrels per month, and the Honolulu Company had made a contract with the Shell Company, of California, a subsidiary of the Royal Dutch-Shell Company, a foreign-controlled concern, for all the oil produced from this lease. This contract was the basis for the investigation now being conducted by a special board of the navy. ... He stated that a report on production of oil from Reserve Nos. 1 and 2 showed that 70 per cent of this production is used in California and neighboring states, 15 per cent in the Atlantic States, and the remaining 15 per cent, or 300,000 barrels per month, goes into the export trade. ...
“Acting-Chairman Britten asked Admiral Rousseau his views on the economic situation created when Great Britain, a year ago, sent the price of rubber sky-high. He asked:
“'Why did the United States not counter by raising our petroleum prices, in view of the fact that we produce 72 per cent of the world production?’
“ `I think that’s what our oil men want,’ Admiral Rousseau replied.”264
Army and navy officers are thoroughly alarmed by the prospect of inadequate supplies in event of war. They say Germany’s defeat in the Great War was largely due to oil shortage. They quote Premier Clemenceau’s appeal to President Wilson for American oil in 1917: “The safety of the Allied nations is in the balance?” They repeat the dictum of Lord Curzon: “The Allies floated to victory on a wave of oil.”265
President Coolidge reflected this alarm in his letter of December 19, 1924, constituting the Conservation Board. “It is even probable,” he said, “that the supremacy of nations may be determined by the possession of available petroleum and its products.”266
Mr. Henry L. Doherty, who characterized himself as “the only member of the American Petroleum Institute who did not go on record that we had an abundance of petroleum,” testified before the Conservation Board May 27, 1926: “If we were to get into another war within three years, there is no assurance that we would have the petroleum necessary to carry us through that war without embarrassment.”267 This large “Independent” producer described oil as “our most important munition of war,” and the only one “that can’t be conserved by a mere change of laws.” He expressed particular concern that helium gas, an important war material, is wasted under the American system of producing natural gas. “The United States is the only country which possesses enormous quantities of helium gas,” he pointed out.
Following President Coolidge’s suggestion, the Conservation Board, which includes the War and Navy Secretaries, is devoting much time to the study of defense requirements. Confidential reports made by the Board cannot be quoted. But the nature of those studies is indicated by the Board’s preliminary public report:
“Under its constitutional power to provide for the common defense, the Federal Government should continue to make and execute plans for an adequate supply of petroleum for all military and naval needs of the future. Tank storage sufficient to meet initial demand should be built and maintained intact against war-time emergency. Underground reserves should be preserved to supplement the commercial supply as the next line of defense, and in the administration of these reserves of oil in the ground which form `an important part of the national insurance,’ future security, not present economy, should be the sole guiding principle.
“Current peace-time requirements of those branches of the Government responsible for the national defense are approximately 20,000,000 barrels of petroleum products a year. These requirements are adequately provided for under the present normal rate of production. In case of war, the national defense requirements would, of course, immediately increase many-fold. This larger quantity would include the direct requirements, that is, the products actually used by the agencies of the Government engaged in national defense operations; and the indirect requirements—the amount which will be needed industrially to carry out the munition program, or other similar programs of these agencies.
“The production from oil wells within the boundaries of the United States at present is in excess of the estimated maximum requirements for national defense in time of war.
“It is barely possible that future discoveries may reduce, or possibly entirely eliminate the need for petroleum fuels in the national defense. It is also conceivable that substitutes for mineral lubricants may be developed on a scale sufficient to meet major requirements. With the development of the Diesel engine and its adaptability to airplane and motor vehicle use, the military consumption of petroleum as fuel will be reduced per horse-power. ...
“The war-time oil requirements of the navy in any overseas campaign would probably include the major portion of the whole deep-water tonnage under the United States flag. The increasing use of internal combustion engine-drives on commercial carriers makes liquid fuel more and more necessary for war-time water transport. The logistic services of the army and many of its combat weapons, such as tanks, tractor-drawn artillery, and airplanes, are dependent upon petroleum products for fuel and lubrication. Should the oil supply accessible to the United States become exhausted and no satisfactory liquid substitute be developed, it would be necessary to resort to coal for propulsion.
“Our entire war-time reserve should not be in the form of refined products placed in tanks, for two reasons. First of all, the future needs of the army and navy for petroleum products may be in a ratio quite different from that of present use, and in view of the natural tendency of gasoline or even crude petroleum to waste when held in storage, a better policy is considered to be the storage of the higher grades of fuel oil or topped crude, from which the needed products could be derived.
“Further, it is important that there should be an underground reserve in the event that our commercial supply becomes exhausted before that of other nations. This underground reserve should obviously not be drawn upon unless and until other sources become insufficient.”268
defense requirements, coupled with increasing industrial dependence upon petroleum products, put this Cabinet Board behind the State Department’s support of Standard and other American companies in their struggle against the British Government and companies for foreign reserves. Its report stated:
“While the production of oil upon our own territory is obviously of first importance, yet in failure of adequate supplies the imports of oil are of vast amount. The present imports from Latin American fields amount to about 62,000.000 barrels annually of crude oil, against which we export about 94,000,000 barrels of products. The fields of Mexico and South America are of large yield and much promising geologic oil structure is as yet un-drilled.
“That our companies should vigorously acquire and explore such fields is of first importance, not only as a source of future supply, but supply under control of our own citizens. Our experience with the exploitation of our consumers by foreign-controlled sources of rubber, nitrate, potash, and other raw materials should be sufficient warning as to what we may expect if we shall become dependent upon foreign nations for our oil supplies.”269
President Coolidge in his United Press address April 25, 1927, re-emphasized this Government’s policy of supporting private companies in the acquisition of foreign oil fields.
“Our country consumes vast quantities of oil and gasoline in its use of automobiles, gas engines, and oil-burning furnaces,” he said. “If these products are to be kept within a reasonable price, which is very important to a great body of our citizens, our people who go abroad to develop new fields and to increase the supply ought to have the encouragement and support of our Government. ... The person and property of a citizen are a part of the general domain of the Nation, even when abroad. On the other hand, there is a distinct and binding obligation on the part of self-respecting governments to afford protection to the persons and property of their citizens, wherever they may be.”270
The record of American oil diplomacy during the last decade shows that President Coolidge and his Conservation Board enunciated no new policy. Belligerent support of American oil companies abroad by the Wilson, Harding, and Coolidge Administrations indicates this is conceived as a fundamental and continuing policy.
Not that this diplomacy has accomplished much. Perhaps it cannot. Maybe the United States is “too late” as the British officials boast. Many neutral observers are of that opinion.
“It seems little likely that the Americans will ever catch up the lead thus established by their British cousins,” Anton Mohr wrote in 1925. “Now that it is too late, they realize the weakness of their diplomacy, and also that they have too long allowed themselves to be blinded by the splendid sources of supply in their own country, with the result that they have omitted to take timely steps to secure control of foreign petroleum fields, and, through them, control of the world’s future production of oil.”271 Perhaps, as a result of what a Fleet Street scribe calls “determined but un-ostentatious enterprise in many directions,” Great Britain can now “contemplate with equanimity” the oil battles of the future.
But if the American Government and companies are beaten, they do not know it. The struggle continues, and will continue. In Mexico there is only a temporary lull. In Central America our veiled exclusion policy is maintained with difficulty against native and British opposition. The London Government, through the Colombian concession plan, manoeuvres for strategic position dominating the Panama Canal. Hostile competition increases in Venezuela. The Mosul peace is an uneasy truce. The struggle in north Persia grows, with a Yankee named oil adviser to the Government and hatred flaming against the British. In Russia anything may happen. The sales battle between Standard and allied British companies in India is but part of attempted American penetration behind the Empire’s lines from Suez to Singapore. The front extends around the world.
“The exploitation of petroleum has become controlled by companies sufficiently powerful to establish their own intelligence branches and sufficiently influential to advise their governments on questions of international policy; for their interests and the interests of the nation as a whole roughly coincide,” said Sir Thomas H. Holland, of British oil fame, in a recent article on “Conditions Affecting the Petroleum Prospects of the Empire.”272
At first it was chiefly commercial rivalry between companies. Later the London Government was involved, then Washington. Now the British and American peoples are being aroused. In this country the old anti-trust crusade against Standard, and the Fall-Doheny-Sinclair scandals, put petroleum in bad odor. The public has been in no mood to champion the cause of any oil company at home or abroad. But this sentiment is changing.
The danger point will be reached when near-shortage drives prices upward, and American automobile-owners are told the British have cornered most of the world supply. Secretary Hoover’s recent anti-British campaign because of the rubber monopoly,273 and the Administration’s publicity drive against Great Britain during the Geneva Naval Conference, show how it is done. What will happen when the enraged force of public opinion is added to the commercial motives of the oil companies and the defense incentives of the Government? Then the Ku Kluxers and Mayor Thompsons may find a hate crusade crying for their “hundred per cent” leadership. Then all the other Anglo-American economic and political conflicts—real and imagined—can be brought out and magnified.
If by ill fortune such a popular movement coincides with the anticipated scrapping of the Washington Naval Treaty, the international situation will be grave. “The possibility is not remote of there being a new world tragedy over the petroleum dispute,” says General Obregon.274
The danger cannot be removed by denying its existence. Peace cannot be maintained by repeating the lie that “war between Great Britain and the United States is impossible.”
War is possible. War is probable—unless the two empires seek through mutual sacrifice to reconcile their many conflicting interests. This would involve sharing raw materials and markets, and dividing sea supremacy, without violating the rights of weaker nations. If some such miracle of diplomacy is achieved oil may cease to be an international explosive...
261. New York Wall Street Journal, Jan. 5, 1928.
262. London Times, June 9, 1927.
263. Federal Trade Commission, Prices, Profits, and Competition, supra, p. 30.
264. Washington United States Daily, March 27, 1928.
265. Cf., Chap. II.
266. Federal Oil Conservation Board, Report, Part I, September 1926, p. 1.
267. Federal Oil Conservation Board, Public Hearing, May 27, 1926, pp. 25 ff.
268. Federal Oil Conservation Board, Report, Part I, September 1926, pp. 22-24.
269. Ibid., p. 12.
270. New York Times, April 26, 1927.
271. Mohr, supra, p. 219.
272. London Journal of the Institution of Petroleum Technologists, October 1927.
273. Cf., Note No. 6.
274. New York Times, Nov. 28, 1927.
We were what 5.6 trillion in debt in 2001.
Now we are 9.3 trillion indebt.We are paying
interest on the debt.
A balanced budget is an impossibility.
The "interest' is never created. All that
balance the budget crap (which I believed
was a good idea) is a mathematical
impossibility. Where did the extra 3.7
trillion come from the last 7 years.
Its a FRAUD. Now as far as I am concerned
anyone able to lie about such a fraud is
capable of anything. It does not matter
religion it is about morals and right and
wrong and lying. Either we have something
clean and in the open or we have a stinky
bunch of little lying freaks controlling
our lives.
I do not think People dying in War are
there to protect back-stabbing good for
nothing liars.There is something
extremely fraudulent at the Fed Reserve
its a con and it is the root of a lot of
B.S. which leads to a lot of problems.
All we ever get here is a bunch of liars
protecting their little rat holes it is
really gross especially when you see how
brave and noble our Defenders are and they
get paid peanuts for the work they do.
To protect what a bunch of old con men
sitting in their sold-out clubs and
If Our founding fathers were part of the
scene they could have all died....
Now we get big talking nothings. It is
impossible to balance the budget.
Huge lie No. 1 ....
all else is part of this....war and the LOT....
This is for the people who are awake. I've said this many times before: we are running out of time. This is neither an analogy, or an alarmist statement.
Now is the time to start thinking about survival outside the "matrix".
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
The old normal is that life will go on just like before. The new normal is that nothing will ever be the same Rather than attempting to undertake the Herculean task of mitigating the unmitigatable-attempting to stop the world and point it in a different direction-it seems far better to turn inward and work to transform yourself into someone who might stand a chance, given the world's assumed trajectory. Much of this transformation is psychological and involves letting go of many notions that we have been conditioned to accept unquestioningly. Some if it involves acquiring new skills and a different set of habits. Some of it is even physiological, changing one's body to prepare it for a life that has far fewer creature comforts and conveniences, while requiring far more physical labor.
These words from Pages 125 and 126 of Dmitry Orlov's Re-Inventing Collapse: The Soviet Example and American Prospects leapt out at me as perhaps the most definitive in his marvelous new book in which Dmitry illumines the collapse of the American empire, now well underway, with his insights from living through the collapse of the Soviet Union.
By way of background, I will be using his first name throughout this review because although I've only met him once, he feels like an old friend. I first heard of Dmitry several years ago when I became a subscriber to From The Wilderness where I was captivated by his article series "Post-Soviet Lessons For A Post-American Century." Later in 2007, Dmitry wrote an exclusive article for my website entitled "Collapse And Its Discontent." I was then honored and humbled by his request for an endorsement of Re-Inventing Collapse and immediately requested a review copy from his publisher, New Society.
Opening the book with a "recipe" for collapse soup and noticing that the United States has combined all of the ingredients, Dmitry states that economic collapse, particularly in the throes of Peak Oil, is an enormous red flag signaling that the collapse of the American empire is underway. Additionally, he emphasizes that "when faced with a collapsing economy, one should stop thinking of wealth in terms of money." Physical resources and assets, as well as relationships and connections are worth their weight in gold and quickly become more valuable than cash. (11) Specifically, he states:
I therefore take as my premise that at some point during the coming years, due to an array of factors, with energy scarcity foremost among them, the economic system of the United States will teeter and fall, to be replaced by something that most people can scarcely guess at, and that even those who see it coming prefer not to think about. (15)
A key psychological factor in the individualization of oppression, deeply embedded in the American psyche, is the notion that in the face of utter powerlessness, blaming oneself provides the last semblance of empowerment, i.e., "It's my fault; I caused it; if only I hadn't...." This is not unlike the internal psychological mechanisms that engage within a child during and after abuse in which the child unconsciously blames him/herself for the abuse because not to do so confronts the child with an intolerable, overwhelming sense of powerlessness.
Noting that Americans find it difficult to imagine failure collectively in terms of the nation itself and prefer to insist that all failure is individual in nature, Dmitry concedes that collapse will be different for each person, but that one way to bridge the gap between "individual" and "collective" might be to notice the pre- and post-collapse conditions of the Soviet Union and compare them hypothetically with those of the United States. The ultimate intention here is to invite the reader to ask him/herself to what extent each important thing in one's life is "collapse-proof" and then after several pages of deepening and refining many of the concepts of his "Post-Soviet Lessons" series, Dmitry makes a stunning request: to consider how to make that "important thing" collapse-proof, or come to terms with how to live without it. (17)
In his marvelous chapter on "Superpower Similarities" Dmitry offers a conclusion, certainly not new to me, but one which begs to be pondered: "Rather than one giant explosion, this is more likely to be death by a thousand cuts." (35) After each cut, he states, Americans are likely to fantasize a technological remedy, but increasingly their fantasy will be proven to be just that, and those who offer such false hopes will become, "progressively lest trustworthy." (35) At the same time that he emphasizes the protracted nature of collapse, he notes the power of tipping points, like Chernobyl in the Soviet Union and Katrina in the U.S., to exacerbate the velocity of collapse.
During this hour of national election mania in the United States, I cannot resist Dmitry's sardonic observation that "The two capitalist parties offer a choice between two placebos," (55) later noting that "...all successful adaptations to the new circumstances will have to be made at the local level, and will have to rely on existing infrastructure, inventory and locally available talents and skills." (61) In pondering his analysis of collapse-how it manifested in the S.U. (Soviet Union) and is now manifesting in the U.S., one is dumfounded with the utter vacuousness of all American political party platforms in the face of a crumbling empire. The Soviet experience confirms that when societies collapse, all issues become acutely and intensely local, and communities and neighborhoods-or large numbers of the dispossessed in a particular venue--must address them.
Whereas some may feel guilty about political apathy or their unwillingness to participate in the national election charade, Dmitry argues that "Although people often bemoan political apathy as if it were a grave social ill, it seems to me that this is just as it should be. Why should essentially powerless people want to engage in a humiliating farce designed to demonstrate the legitimacy of those who wield the power?" (114) Thank you Dmitry; you've just described how I've felt after departing a voting booth every four years for the past three decades.
In his chapter on "Collapse Mitigation" Dmitry names his major concerns regarding the nature of the catastrophe that lies ahead. He notes that "there is no one who will undertake an organized effort to make the collapse survivable", but this is indeed a circular dilemma. A society that cannot and will not even consider the possibility of collapse is incapable of organizing to survive it. And so it is that we have many radioactive toxic installations, stockpiles, and dumps lying around. Many nuclear power plants have been built near coastlines, which does not bode well for surrounding communities in the face of rising sea levels resulting from global warming. (111) As a result of collapse, soldiers may become stranded overseas, along with private contractors.
As prison systems become increasingly costly and unmanageable due to the diminishment of resources, what will happen to those populations that can no longer be maintained and managed? Will they be released, setting off "a crime wave of staggering proportions"? (112) Even more frightening is the collection of non-collateralized debt, such as credit card debt, which is "secured by threat of force" and which Dmitry suggests may result in massive indentured debt servitude.
In a wonderful section called "Do It Yourself", Dmitry states:
Any behavior that might result in continued economic growth and prosperity is counterproductive: the higher you jump, the harder you land. It is traumatic to go from having a big retirement fund to having not retirement fund because of a market crash. It is also traumatic to go from a high income to little or no income. If, on top of that, you have kept yourself incredibly busy and suddenly have nothing to do, then you will really be in rough shape.... (122) If the economy, and your place within it, are really important to you, you will really be hurt when they go away.(123)
It takes a lot of creativity and effort to put together a fulfilling existence on the margins of society. After the collapse, these margins may turn out to be some of the best places to live. (123)
So "doing it oneself" is about figuring out how to increasingly operate and live from the margins of society. Those who have already learned how to do so will have an advantage over the many who haven't.
From many collapse watchers such as Richard Heinberg, Derrick Jensen, James Howard Kunstler and others, we frequently hear the word "adaptation" or synonymous terms, indicating how crucial it is that we are able to adjust our demands to the reality of "Peak Everything" because of how a collapsing world will force human beings to live. Ideally, we need not be forced but will proactively prepare ourselves physically, financially, and emotionally. While Dmitry points out that there is nothing wrong with comforts, he emphasizes that for optimum collapse survival, we need to perceive them as luxuries, not necessities.
In addition, we need to be able to blend, in somewhat chameleon-like fashion, into the environment. It is best to appear average and mainstream while constructing a life of radical survival so as not to attract attention. While we live in a great deal of uncertainty that FEMA is actually constructing detention camps to incarcerate American citizens, we read here and there online about it, and we assume that in a chaotic milieu of food shortages, power failures, water rationing, massive unemployment, inaccessibility of health care, and total societal breakdown, martial law and detention camps will be required for social control. Those whose behavior is agitated, hysterical, or recalcitrant attract attention, while the ability to remain calm, rational, and outwardly compliant may afford much-needed anonymity as the panic of collapse exacerbates.
Dmitry implies that acting skills might be useful in a milieu where many people will be looking for someone to blame for their plight. The most important thing beyond personal safety, he suggests is "to understand who has what you need and how to get it from them." (138) That is to say that in a collapsing world, existence is likely to become increasingly utilitarian-much more about getting the job done than agonizing over social graces or ego-based preoccupations with performance. This may sound robotic, and perhaps a bit schizophrenic in the light of the disparity Dmitry points out between one's inner world and one's public persona. Nevertheless, countless survivors of extremely oppressive regimes have found the discrepancy invaluable for navigating unimaginable stress.
Dmitry has sometimes been called a "doomer"-a label with which I'm quite familiar since it has frequently been attached to me as well. And while it's true that Re-Inventing Collapse isn't a fluffy, feel-good novel with a happily ever after ending, it is tempered with delicious outbursts of Dmitry's heartwarming sarcasm and mischievous humor which makes him the delightful human being he is. An unforgettable case in point from the book is the section entitled "The Settled And The Nomadic" in which he emphasizes how much moving around from place to place may be required of us in a collapsing world. Then poking fun at our terminally mobile culture he says:
Where to ensconce and secrete our precious selves, there to sit out the gathering storm? In a nation of nomads, who think nothing of growing up in one state, going to school in another and settling down in a third, it is surprising to see that so many people come to think that, during the most unsettled of times, some special place will sustain them perpetually. More likely than not, they will be forced to stay on the move. (139)
The idyllic dream of many collapse watchers-the small farm isolated from the city, may or may not be the safest, sanest venue. One will need neighbors with whom to barter, and who knows--and Dmitry doesn't address the topic, to what extent a repressive regime will have the time, money, or hydrocarbon energy to roam the countryside and round up those who do not "blend in."
What he does recommend is a small village where an acre of farmland for every 30 people or so is available and where people know each other and are willing to help each other. However, given the uncertainties and unpredictability of life during and after collapse, one may be forced to stay on the move. "Having a permanent base of operations is certainly a good thing, but if so, then having two or three is even better." (141) Remaining somewhat nomadic allows one the necessary detachment to avoid getting caught in "deteriorating circumstances" and flee so as to avoid them. Thus, a "winter camp" and a "summer camp" are recommended. Again, like maintaining one's inner world while presenting a divergent exterior, Dmitry suggests not letting on that one doesn't have a permanent home since "communities are always suspicious of nomads", but at the same time remaining aware that "To seek out that sympathy of strangers, you need to have a place you call home, even if that place only exists in your imagination...."(142)
Suddenly, following his daunting description of life in a collapsed world, a chapter entitled "Career Opportunities" appears. As a result of reading "other Orlov", I smiled and guessed that this chapter would be more about survival, as opposed to becoming comfortably ensconced in a new profession. And I was right.
In this final chapter, Dmitry speaks honestly about the alternative economies that flourished in the Soviet Union and that are typical of decaying societies. "Asset stripping" or pulling the copper out of the wires of abandoned homes, carrying off the vinyl siding and the fiberglass insulation could provide a treasure trove of "currency" and bargaining chips for future transactions on which life depends such as food, water, or medicines. Black market pharmaceuticals will be indispensable, and of course, in a world in which people have collapsed emotionally as well as financially, drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes will have inestimable value. Authentic doctors and nurses will be sorely needed, but black market medical practices are likely to abound as well.
As for transportation Dmitry opines that there will soon be only two viable options: bicycling and sailing. A proud proponent of sailboating as the most reliable form of transportation during and after collapse, Dmitry emphasizes that sailboats are not actually luxury items. He suggests checking the foreclosure lists and states that "a few months' rent will buy you a new, floating, rent-free home. If the cost is still too much, all you have to do is wait; the sailboat market is going from bad to worse."(154)
Dmitry leaves us with an exceedingly important piece of advice. Noting the vast numbers of people who have asked him what he plans to do to prepare for collapse, he emphasizes that preparation should include more than one option because there is no "one plan." In Re-Inventing Collapse, he offers no crystal ball and humbly admits that he does not know how collapse will unfold, only that he has lived through one collapse in his life and wishes to utilize that experience to shed light on the next one that has already begun.
I have no negative criticism of the book, but I must add that I wanted to hear more about psychological and attitudinal preparation-for two reasons, one being that my own forthcoming book explores them deeply, but also because I long to hear more personally from Dmitry how he has been impacted by the demise of the S.U. even as he navigates the downward spiraling of the U.S. Nevertheless, everyone who has forsaken denial about collapse and is serious about preparation must read Re-Inventing Collapse.
Check out Dmitry's blog at CLUB ORLOV:
Jews and Bolshevism Which Was Controlled By Them....
Amongst themselves, the Jews are quite candid about their sympathy for
and involvement in Bolshevism.
On 4 April 1919 the Jewish Chronicle: "There is much in the fact of
Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in
the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant
with the finest ideals of Judaism."
( Perhaps this explains why the Red Army uses a Jewish star as its
symbol...? )
Probably the best-known exposé of the Jewish role in the Bolshevik
coup d'état was by Sir Winston Churchill, writing in the Illustrated
Sunday Herald of 8 February 1920. Churchill wrote "With the notable
exception of Lenin, the majority of leading figures are Jews. Moreover
the principal inspiration and the driving power comes from Jewish
Communism was of course founded by Karl Marx whose grandfather was a
rabbi by the name of Mordeccai. Marx was given his initial
encouragement by a Communist-Zionist by the name of Moses Hess. As
founder and editor of the Rheinische Zeitung, the main organ of
leftist thought in Germany, he provided Karl Marx with his first
important platform. Later, in Brussels, he collaborated with Marx on
The German Ideology. It was Hess too who converted to Communism
Friedrich Engels, the wealthy textiles magnate who later subsidized
Marx from the profits of sweated labor in Britain and Germany.
When the Bolsheviks overthrew the short-lived democratic government in
Moscow and St. Petersburg in October 1917, it was a virtual Jewish
coup d'état. The most prominent Jewish Commissar was Trotsky, real
name Bronstein. He had been married by a rabbi in 1900, and whilst in
exile in New York he had worked for Novy Mir, described in the Church
Times (23 January 1925) as a "Yiddish newspaper."
The various reporters and diplomats who were there at the time of the
"Revolution" have given evidence as to its Jewish nature.
The widow of the Guardian's correspondent Mrs. Ariadna
Tyrkova-Williams wrote: "In the Soviet Republic all the committees and
commissaries were filled with Jews."
The most detailed description of Jewish influence in the Bolshevik
'revolution comes from Robert Wilton, the Russian correspondent of The
Times. In 1920 he published a book in French, Les Derniers Jours des
Romanofs, which gave the racial background of all the members of the
Soviet government. (This does not appear in the later English
translation, for some odd reason.) After the publication of this
monumental work, Wilton was ostracized by the press, and he died in
poverty in 1925. He reported that the Central Committee of the
Bolshevik Party was made up as follows:
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Lourie (Larine) Jew
Ouritski Jew
Volodarski Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
"The Council of the People's Commissars comprises the following:
President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew
Food Schlichter Jew
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
State Control Lander Jew
State Lands Kauffman Jew
Works V. Schmidt Jew
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Religions Spitzberg Jew
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Hygiene Anvelt Jew
Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew
Press Volodarski Jew
Elections Ouritski Jew
Justice I. Steinberg Jew
Refugees Fenigstein Jew
Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski Jew
"The following is the list of members of the Central Executive
Sverdlov (president) Jew
Avanessof (sec.) Armenian
Bruno Lett
Babtchinski Jew
Bukharin Russian
Weinberg Jew
Gailiss Jew
Ganzburg Jew
Danichevski Jew
Starck German
Sachs Jew
Scheinmann Jew
Erdling Jew
Landauer Jew
Linder Jew
Wolach Czech
Dimanstein Jew
Encukidze Georgian
Ermann Jew
Joffe Jew
Karkline Jew
Knigissen Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew
Krylenko Russian
KrassikofSachs Jew
Kaprik Jew
Kaoul Lett
Ulyanov (lenin) Russian
Latsis Jew
Lander Jew
Lounatcharski Russian
Peterson Lett
Peters Lett
Roudzoutas Jew
Rosine Jew
Smidovitch Jew
Stoutchka Lett
Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew
Sosnovski Jew
Skrytnik Jew
Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew
Teodorovitch Jew
Terian Armenian
Ouritski Jew
Telechkine Russian
Feldmann Jew
Froumkine Jew
Souriupa Ukranian
Tchavtchevadze Georgian
Scheikmann Jew
Rosental Jew
Achkinazi Imeretian
Karakhane Karaim (Jew)
Rose Jew
Sobelson (Radek) Jew
Sclichter Jew
Schikolini Jew
Chklianski Jew
Levine (Pravdine) Jew
"The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission
of Moscow:
Dzerjinski (president) Pole
Peters (vice-president) Lett
Chklovski Jew
Kheifiss Jew
Zeistine Jew
Razmirovitch Jew
Kronberg Jew
Khaikina Jewess
Karlson Lett
Schaumann Jew
Leontovitch Jew
Jacob Goldine Jew
Glaperstein Jew
Kniggisen Jew
Latzis Lett
Schillenkuss Jew
Janson Lett
Rivkine Jew
Antonof Russian
Delafabre Jew
Tsitkine Jew
Roskirovitch Jew
G. Sverdlof Jew
Biesenski Jew
Blioumkine Jew
Alexandrevitch Russian
I. Model Jew
Routenberg Jew
Pines Jew
Sachs Jew
Daybol Lett
Saissoune Armenian
Deylkenen Lett
Liebert Jew
Vogel German
Zakiss Lett
Although Lenin is described as a "Russian," in fact he was a mixture
of various nationalities. It is likely that he was one-quarter
Russian, one-quarter German, one-quarter Jewish and at least
one-quarter Kalmuck (Mongol), which accounts for his Mongol
appearance. Various authorities allege that his wife, Nadezhda
Krupskaya was a Jewess and that her family spoke Yiddish in the home.
A report sent to the British government in 1918 by Mr. Oudendyke, the
Dutch consul in St. Petersburg, said that "Bolshevism is organized and
worked by Jews." The report was included in a pamphlet published as a
government White Paper in April 1919 entitled Russia No. 1 (1919) A
Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia. However, the pamphlet
was quickly withdrawn and reissued with various excisions and
alterations made.
In the War Records Division of the United States National Archives
there is filed a report from an American Intelligence operative in St.
Petersburg. Under Record Group 20; Records of the American
Expeditionary Forces Capt. Montgomery Schuyler, G2 Intelligence wrote,
"The Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning, guided
and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type."
Also in the U.S. National Archives are two telegrams sent by American
diplomats in Russia. State Department document 861.00/1757 sent on 2
May 1918 by U.S. Consul Summers in Moscow relates, "Jews predominant
in local Soviet government, anti-Jewish feeling growing among
population." Document 861.00/2205 from Consul Caldwell in Vladivostock
on 5 July 1918 describes, "Fifty per cent of Soviet government in each
town consists of Jews of worst type."
In January, 1924, Lenin died from causes variously described as 'a
heart attack,' brain hemorrhage' and 'syphilis.' His comrades
immediately began fighting amongst themselves to see who was to become
his successor.
A relative outsider, Joseph Stalin, came to the fore and purged all
competition either by exiling or executing them. Since Stalin was not
Jewish, yet nearly all his opponents were, it is often suggested that
Stalin was anti-Semitic. This is far from the truth.
Stalin had three wives, all of them Jewesses. The first was Ekaterina
Svanidze who bore him one son, Jacob. His second wife was Kadya
Allevijah. She bore him a son Vassili and a daughter Svetlana. His
second wife died in mysterious circumstances, either by committing
suicide or murdered by Stalin. His third wife was Rosa Kaganovich, the
sister of Lazar Kaganovich, the head of Soviet industry. Stalin's
daughter (who in 1967 fled to the USA) then married Lazar's son Mihail
i.e. her step-mother's nephew. Svetlana Stalin had a total of four
husbands, three of them Jewish.
Stalin's vice-president Molotov was also married to a Jewess, whose
brother, Sam Karp, runs an export business in Connecticut. Just to
complicate things even more, the Molotov's (half-Jewish) daughter also
called Svetlana was engaged to be married to Stalin's son Vassili.
After the death of Stalin, his successors kept up the tradition, for a
report in the B'nai B'rith Messenger relates: "To show that Russia
treats its Jews well, Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev this week
remarked at a reception at the Polish Embassy that not only he himself
and Soviet President Klementi Voroshilov, but also half the members of
the Praesidium have Jewish wives. Mr. Kruschev made this remark to
Israeli Ambassador Joseph Avidar, who was amongst the guests."
(Kruschev's wife was yet another Kaganovitch.)
According to a report in The Canadian Jewish News of 13 November 1964
the present Soviet boss Leonid Brezhnev is married to a Jewess, and
his children are brought up as Jews. There are a number of prominent
Jews in the Soviet government, including Dimitri Dymshits in charge of
industry, Lev Shapiro regional secretary of Birobidjan, and Yuri
Andropov in charge of the secret police, the KGB. In fact, every
secret police chief in Soviet history has been a Jew, from the first
Uritsky to the most recent, the murderous Beria. A Jew is also in
charge of the Soviet economy - Leonid Kantorovich.
It is a well-known fact that the Bolsheviks were and are financed by
Jewish interests in the West.
At a Bolshevik celebration rally in New York's Carnegie Hall on the
night of 23 March 1917, a telegram of support from Jacob Schiff of
Kuhn, Loeb & Co. was read out. The telegram was reprinted in the next
morning's New York Times. Schiff later tried to deny his involvement,
but thirty years later his grandson John admitted in the New York
Journal-American (3 February 1949) that the old man had sunk twenty
million dollars into the Bolshevik cause.
Another Western bankers who poured funds into Bolshevik Russia was
Olaf Ashberg of the Stockholm Nia Banken. He remained the Soviets'
paymaster until the late 1940s. The London Evening Standard of 6
September 1948 reported a visit by Ashberg to Switzerland "for secret
meetings with Swiss government officials and banking executives.
Diplomatic circles describe Mr. Ashberg as the 'Soviet banker' who
advanced large sums to Lenin and Trotsky in 1917. At the time of the
revolution, Mr. Ashberg gave Trotsky money to form and equip the first
unit of the Red Army."
The Bolsheviks also received assistance from Armand Hammer, who still
commutes back and forward between New York and Moscow to take care of
his business interests in both communities. Hammer's Occidental Oil
Company is at the moment building a 1600 mile chemicals pipeline in
southern Russia. He is also on such good terms with the Soviets that
he personally arranges for Soviet art galleries to lend paintings to
Another American-based businessman to help out the Soviet economy is
Michael Fribourg, who owns the massive Continental Grain Company.
Together with the Louis Dreyfus Corporation, these Jewish speculators
were able to buy up vast quantities of cheap American grain in 1972,
sell it to the Soviets at a vast profit, and collect an export subsidy
from the U.S. taxpayer.
In every other East European country, it is exactly the same story:
In Hungary a Communist revolution was staged in 1919, instigated by
the Jew Bela Kun (Cohen). During the three month regime, the country
was turned upside down in a reign of murder and terror. Here again,
the government was composed almost entirely of Jews. And it was this
factor which brought about the regime's downfall, as the ordinary
Hungarians detested Jewish dictatorship. Kun was deposed and fled to
the Soviet Union, where he became chief of the secret police, the
Cheka, in southern Russia.
It was not until 1945 that the Jews were able to regain control. Three
Russian Jews were installed as the ruling triumvirate, Matyas Rakosi
(Rosencranz), Erno Gero (Singer) and Zoltan Vas. Both Rakosi and Gero
had been members of Kun's bloody government.
In Germany, the Jews also tried to take over there in the chaos that
followed the First World War. Aided by funds from the Soviet
Ambassador Joffe, Rosa Luxemburg's Spartacus Bund attempted to
overthrow the government. The revolt was quelled and its leaders
Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht executed.
The post-war dictator of Roumania, Anna Pauker, was the daughter of a
Bucharest kosher butcher. For a time she earned her living teaching
Hebrew. her father and brother now live in Israel.
Although Tito was the only non-Jewish dictator behind the Iron Curtain
in the late 1940s, he was tutored by the Jew Mosa Pijade. According to
John Gunther in Behind the Iron Curtain, "He is Tito's mentor...
Whatever ideological structure Tito may have, he got it from the
shrewd old man."
Moscow's puppet government in Czechoslovakia in the late 1940s was run
by another Jew, Rudolph Slansky.
In Poland too, Jews occupied virtually every position of authority in
the post-war Communist regime. Prominent among these were Minc,
Skryesewski, Modzelewski and Berman. Jacob Berman gradually eclipsed
the others until he became supreme dictator by himself. Also,
Gomulka's wife was a Jewess.
Even in China, Soviet Jews were at work helping Mao Tse Tung. High up
in the Political Department of the Red Army in China were W. N.
Levitschev and J. B. Gamarnik