
The attitude "we are all the same' is the same old Neocon/Trotskyites' creed....

The attitude "we are all the same' is the same old Neocon/Trotskyites' creed....


Cultural Anthropology 101

The US and Israel went into these four wars, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon & Gaza...., following in the foot steps of the most Barbaric False Flag Attack on US Soil, the Inside Job of 9/11, with that predominate idea and have fought for ten years against men who did not believe any of that.

The neocon's rhetoric always felt more like power-politics glossed over with public relations.... utter corruption, war mongering, extra-judicial assassinations and sheer criminality....

But should we really return to late nineteenth century crowd psychology, and/or the time's perspective on physiognomy, psychology, and the culture of race of Gustave Le Bon? I don't know his The psychology of Crowd, but I assume for him the Arabs or e.g. the South Americans are more likely to be mobbish than e.g. the Americans in the North. No?

But since I am interested in images of "the Arab" in the West, I may well have a look at both books to find out:


Gustave Le Bon, La Civilisation Arabe / The Arab civilization, c 1884 / The Arab civilization, Chapter: 1. The idea of race according to the latest science (my really fast translation, pdf-link, book I + II, page 62-67)

Human settlements scattered over various parts of the world have been classified into a number of groups to which were given the name of race. This term implies that once between these human groups the differences were smaller than those found between the various groups of animals known as species. But the progress of modern science has proven that the various races of men are separated by characters as different as those of the diverse species, thus, we must consider today the word race when applied to humans as a synonym of the word human species. One can easily define agglomerations of individuals with specific sets of common characters that are regularly transmitted by inheritance.

2. The importance of the psychological character in studying race.

chapter ends on: in the study of their character we find the reason of both their greatness and their decadence.

3. Origin of the Arabs

Various considerations primarily based on their language have led to the classification of one family, called Semitic, these diverse populations: Arabs, Jews, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Syrians, Babylonians, Assyrians, who occupied and occupy even Arabia and Asia Minor to the Euphrates.

Ah, the central thing is the psychological character, which makes some more "mob-like", or semi-barbarous, a term he uses slightly above my quotes. Arabs are "Semites"? Now, that of course explains it, they must be just as bad as the other "Semites", the Jews....

I now see Obama+Hilary.... wearing a Phrygian cap complete with rosette.... "Allons enfants," etc.

I have seen the USA walk away from so many peoples that US cheaply and vulgarly encouraged to revolt.... When they did... USA drew back in horror from responsibility. Shall I list them? Perhaps we should start with the Iraqi Shia revolt after the first Gulf War.... GHW Bush did all he could to encourage them to revolt....then what...???

"I despise the idea some have that 'everyone' must be 'like us'..that 'democracy' as we define it suits everyone." is fine as a theoretical notion. But it is also used to justify the propping up of repressive governments with American taxpayer dollars and arms - because "we're supporting the government that suits them, that is not a democracy"....

Some attitude negates the value of area knowledge. The attitude "we are all the same' is the neocon creed. We went into these three wars with that predominate idea and have fought for ten years against men who did not believe that. That idea fits very well with the whole "America is the future of the human race" concept. This proceeds from the certitude provided by Calvinist Puritan ancestors in their New England "City on the Hill." I suppose some still believe in "American Exceptionalism" as well? They should back Palin for president....

The neocons used the argument for democracy being the best for all people, to hide their true goal, which is to keep America at war, somewhere, all the time, because their military/industrial complex makes for creating fortunes for them all... It's obvious by now that when the Power Elite and their media mouthpieces speak of 'we,' they mean their fellow elites? This ties together personal elitism with old and new money, realpolitik, and the Straussian neocons, all of whom like to operate in secrecy, using the royal 'we' as a cloak and a shield....all the while hiding their deep routed beliefs in the LEFT, Trotskyites' etc,....

George W. Bush and his neocons would have done well to have taken Cultural Anthropology 101, in school. We just might have averted the disasters that have occurred by the naive, Utopian idiots' beliefs that we are all the same, and America knows best....when America and it's ZOG/Neocon Government has been hijacked by a bunch of war criminals and assassins since 1995....with their planning for endless wars and extra-judicial political assassinations by the Infamous White House Murder INC, in the Levant, in USA and the World....


  • Zionism's 20th Century theme of dominance from the Nile to the Euphrates has been supplanted by a post-Millennial domino theory against Israel.
  • Without a Quisling controlling Egypt, the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza will fail. Furthermore, the Suez Canal functions at the whim of Egypt.
  • Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran are enjoying a rapprochement, which fortifies bullied Lebanon and Occupied Palestine, and which would become much more formidable with the addition of Egypt..., but the Assad Dictatorship in Damascus is the weakest link which might give..., because the Assad criminal Dynasty is utterly controlled by the ZIOCONS for decades....

  • http://newhk.blogspot.com/2011/01/obama-perpetuates-utter-lies-between.html

  • The kingdoms of the Arabian peninsula are shaking, and the AJAX aim of controlling the Horn of Africa is jeopardized if Yemen casts off its thuggish government.
  • Regional public opinion is solidly against the self-described "Jewish Nation", and world opinion isn't far behind. It has always been that way, Israeli apologists are quick to point out, and they swear that it's proof positive that almost everyone is anti-Semitic....

  • The US administrations which are such a paragon of virtue, speaking so forthrightly and consistently during every crisis....about Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights and the "American Way"....

  • 'Argentina accuses the US of trying to smuggle weapons into country'

    This isn't surprising because almost all the South American dictatorships including that of Argentina were engineered by the meddling and interference of the US--the Milton Friedman Chicago School economic policies, the IMF, the World Bank, everything that Naomi Klein calls the collective "Shock Doctrine" and "Shock Treatment" with its resulting torturing and dictatorships, disaster capitalism (all currently underway in the US),--S. American countries finally got the message that the US was poison and told it to go to hell, and now they help each other and democracies are springing up almost all over from S. America to the Middle East and soon into Africa....etc.

  • So when weapons are smuggled into Argentina by the US, you know that the US is apoplectic that it is not needed anymore and continues its desperate intentions to overthrow governments in South America and meddle everywhere else in the world.... But this time the Zionist banksters can't bribe their poisonous way there anymore. "Persona non grata" is the message. Just like the young Egyptian hero who was arrested for organizing the revolution said about Obama: "We don't need you"....and we certainly don't need the US Infamous White House Murder INC, anywhere in the world..., and we know that the USraeli teams are still planning right now more assassinations in Lebanon, Egypt, South America and more.....

  • The CIA-Mossad-MI6-BND-DGSE-SIMI-GID-SMI, SIS-CSIS.... are already pulling off aggressive false flag type attacks throughout the world. Reportedly, they were behind the assassination attempts on the Iranian nuclear scientists a while back, and the Infamous White House Murder INC, has been very active in the Levant and elsewhere the last ten years..., Also, the Stuxnet virus that was used to attack the nuclear power reactors and other installations in Iran came from a US/Israelis/German team effort....

    You can be sure they are already planning similar offensive, sneaky, spineless attacks to foment more unrest in the world, possibly giving them another excuse to invade yet another country...., and fomenting hundreds of Tribes with Flags everywhere....
    "...we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." -John F Kennedy

While Hilary Clinton, and AIPAC/CIA puppet extraordinaire....condemns Arab free speech repression, she literally watches a 71 yr old US Army vet arrested and beaten as she speaks!


Ros-Lehtinen’s record is criminally atrocious. She vigorously lobbied for the release and pardon of Orlando Bosch, a vicious terrorist and CIA operative who, along with Luis Posada Carriles, was responsible for numerous terrorist attacks in and against Cuba including the 1976 bombing of a civilian airliner that killed 73 innocent people. Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, an AIPAC/CIA/MOSSAD stooge, even helped organize an official “Orlando Bosch Day” in Miami in 1983 to celebrate the terrorist and gain support for his release. To this day, he lives free in Miami even as Washington makes menacing pronouncements that any nation which harbors terrorists is a terrorist nation itself and subject to the wrath of America’s war machine....

“The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law”. Aristotle’s observation of the human condition in 440 BC is as accurate today as it was back in his day.
A simple truth widely ignored today, hence, revolution and war until the balance is reestablished. According to history, it will probable take at least 100 years of struggle and millions of American lives to reestablish Democracy, Independence and the rule of law in the United States.

The Great Treason against our American Democracy, Independence and the American people lead by the Great Traitor Bush and his fascist shadow government and perpetuated by Obama, created the world financial crisis that has resulted in the total breakdown of Democracy and the Rule of Law in bringing the criminals responsible to Justice.

Most Americans are acutely aware of this Treason and injustice and they are starting to feel the pain. Today, everyone’s future is up in the air as the criminals subject us to one managed crisis after another.

Disgustingly, American Justice is dead. Erick Holder and the DOJ, CIA and the FBI are the worst kind of Rats. Americans are not the only victims, the criminals are international and there is a move on to bring them to justice in Spain’s international court and the Hague’s international court.

Instead of twiddling your thumbs and praying, you can sign a letter from War is a Crime sent to Spain’s international court to encourage prosecution of Bush era torture criminals and extra-judicial assassinations with their ZIOCON Infamous White House Murder INC, in the Levant started since January 24th 2002 in Lebanon.... They may charge Bush, Cheney and company March 1. 2011.

In Discourse on Colonialism, Césaire implicates the Europeans for constructing the negative relationship between colonizer and colonized. He criticizes Europe for constructing these colonies only to exploit them for their own benefit. According to Césaire, by establishing these colonies and then exploiting them, the European colonial powers have created two main problems: the problem of the proletariat and the colonial problem. In describing the colonial problem that European civilization has created, he remarks that “Europe is indefensible,” contending that the actions of the colonizers cannot be misconstrued as positive. He centralizes his argument around the claim that, “no one colonizes innocently, that no one colonizes with impunity either; that a nation which colonizes, that a civilization which justifies colonization—and therefore force—is already a sick civilization, a civilization which is morally diseased, which irresistibly, progressing from one consequence to another, one denial to another, calls for its Hitler, I mean its punishment.” [3] He labels the colonizers as barbaric for their treatment of those in the colonies. He defines the relationship as one based on “forced labor, intimidation, pressure, the police, taxation, theft, rape, compulsory crops, contempt, mistrust, arrogance, self-complacency, swinishness, brainless elites, degraded masses.” [By identifying the colonial relationship as one based on race, he draws comparisons between his home of Martinique with the colonies in Africa. By equating racism, barbarism and colonialism, he claims colonization to be a form of dehumanization; he believes this dehumanization occurs because of Europe’s racism against the Jews, the black populations in Africa, the Middle east, the Caribbean, and elsewhere....and they still are very much the same racists today....with creeping Islamophobia fomented by Israel and USA....
We have all seen the criminal bankster’s planned Austerity programs enacted in Europe and the resulting ongoing riots that will not stop. Now, it is America’s turn under the screw. The bastards sure like to torture people don’t they?
Funny, the bankster have made a mockery out of our legal system and got away with the greatest world robbery in history. America owes the banksters and their criminal brotherhood of politicians nothing... The banksters owe America’s Justice System and the American people their necks and we should insist on collecting their criminal necks and returning all the money (nullifying debt) that was criminally swindled from the people of the world and thereby ending their financial tyranny throughout the world-permanently...

The good people of Wisconsin and all the 51 States of the Union...should hold their own court (grand jury) and bring to Justice the criminal banksters and their corrupt politicians including the governor who stands with the banksters and not with the people. They all hang together and they should all hang together.

Hats off to Ray McGovern for exposing the canned propaganda press release of General Clinton....