*Christ tells us not to fear those who can kill our bodies, but only those who can kill our souls......*
ايلي حبيقة افتدى لبنان واللبنانيين
إن الإنسان المؤمن بربه وبكتبه المقدسة وبتعاليمه وبموت وقيامة السيد المسيح لا يموت، بل يرقد على رجاء القيامة بانتظار يوم الحساب الأخير، والرب الذي وهب الإنسان نعمة الحياة هو وحده يقرر متى يستردها وليس أي مخلوق أخر.
اليوم ونحن نصلي في الذكرى التاسعة لروح الشهيد النائب والوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة نردد بايمان وخشوع ووقار ما قاله النبي أيوب رغم كل المصائب التي حلت عليه فيما كان الشيطان يحاول جاهداً إيقاعه في التجربة دون أن يتمكن من أن يحقق هدفه اللعين هذا كون إيمان أيوب بربه كان قوياً وراسخاً: "عرياناً خرجت من بطن أمي، وعرياناً أعود إلى هناك، الرب أعطى والرب أخذ تبارك اسم الرب". (ايوب01/21).
يقول السيد المسيح: "أَنَا هُوَ الْقِيَامَةُ وَالْحَيَاةُ. مَنْ آمَنَ بِي، وَإِنْ مَاتَ فَسَيَحْيَا" (يوحنا 25/11). إن تعلقنا بلبناننا الحبيب حتى الشهادة يعزينا ويقوي إيماننا ويرسخ الرجاء في نفوسنا ويساعدنا على تقبل غياب الشهداء الأبرار برضوخ كامل لمشيئة أبينا السماوي فهم لا يموتون بل يبقون أحياء في وجداننا وضمائرنا وقلوبنا وعقولنا وفي كل عمل نقوم به يهدف لخدمة ومساعدة الآخرين الذين هم بحاجة إلينا.
يقول الشاعر: "ما استحق أن يعيش، من عاش لنفسه فقط". لذلك فالشخص المؤمن يجد لذته في أن يحيا لأجل غيره، عملاًً بقول الرب، "تحب قريبك كنفسك" (متى39/22). ولهذا يحب كل الناس من أعماق قلبه وتكون محبته للآخرين محبة عملية حسبما قال الرسول يوحنا: "يا أبنائي، لا تكن محبتنا بالكلام أو باللسان بل بالعمل والحق". (1يو18:3).
هذه المحبة العظيمة، والله هو محبة، تتميز بالعطاء والبذل والتفاني سواء من الناحية الجسدية، أو الناحية الروحية. لذلك فإن الشخص المؤمن والمعطاء والصادق هو بطبيعته إنسان نقي وتقي وشفاف وصادق ومحب يخاف الله الذي خلقه على صورته ومثاله.
هذا الإنسان يجهد بفرح كبير ليكون خادماً يخدم غيره في كل المجالات، لا لأنه مطالب بهذا، وإنما لأن الخدمة جزء من طبيعته ونفسيته وثقافته، ومكون أساسي من مكونات كيانه الإيماني. في خدمة الآخرين يشعر بالحب ويتغذى روحياً من تقديم الخدمات أكثر مما يغذي غيره بها. وإذا كانت الخدمة هي من عمل الملائكة (عبرانيين14:1)، فكم بالأولى البشر. وقد أعطانا السيد المسيح المثال الأبلغ في هذا الشأن إذ قال: "ومن أراد أن يكون الأول فيكم، فليكن لكم عبدا، وهكذا ابن الإنسان جاء لا ليخدمه الناس، بل ليخدمهم ويفدي بحياته كثيراً منهم". (متى 20/27 و28)
جاء في إنجيل القديس يوحنا (15/13): "ما من حب أعظم من هذا: أن يضحي الإنسان بنفسه في سبيل أحبائه". وقال الشهيد النائب والوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة: "إن الوطن الذي لا يفتديه شبابه بأرواحهم لا يستمر ويزول. إن خدمة الآخرين وبذل الذات من أجلهم هي أعمال مقدسة والمسيح الإله قبل الصلب والعذاب والإهانات وقدم نفسه على الصليب فداء للإنسان ليعتقه من نير وعبودية الخطيئة ويحرره.
إن الشهيد لا يطلب شيئاً لنفسه من مقتنيات هذه الدنيا الفانية، وإنما يسعي لنيل بركات الله ليستحق بجدارة أفعاله وإيمانه العودة إلى منزل أبيه السماوي، والمسيح قال لنا: "ماذا ينفع الإنسان لو ربح العالم كله وخسر نفسه". (متى 16/26).
الشهيد هو قربان طاهر يقدم نفسه طواعية على مذبح الله بمحبة واندفاع وفرح من أجل أحبائه تماماً كما هو حال كل شهيد من شهداء لبنان الأبرار. عرفاناً بجميلهم نقول أنه وبفضل استشهادهم بقينا، وسوف نبقى بإذن الله طالما بقي الشباب اللبناني مؤمنا بلبنان وبرسالته وعلى استعداد تام ودائم للشهادة.
الشهيد النائب والوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة لم يمت لأنه باق في كل جهد وعمل يقوم بهما أي لبناني من أجل الحفاظ على سيادة واستقلال وحرية وطنه الحبيب، ولصون كرامة وعزة اللبنانيين، كما أن عائلة حبيقة هي نبع معطاء لا ينضب في دفق الإيمان والوطنية والشهادة للحق والشهداء من أجل لبنان الرسالة والقداسة والقديسين.
نصلي من أجل أن يسكن الله روح الشهيد النائب والوزير الراحل ايلي حبيقة فسيح جناته إلى جوار البررة والقديسين وأن يلهم عائلته ومحبيه الصبر والسلوان
- I view all of human experience as a continuum extending through time, developing, expanding and reflecting an accumulation of learning and development by human groups in a variety of paths, some of which share characteristics and many of which do not. This is basically a river of moving data that is growing and changing as it flows. We live in a small segment of that river’s current but the course of the river upstream has made our piece of the river what it is and the river flowing through and past us creates a future that is shaped by the stream as it flows forward in time. This does not mean that what has been will necessarily be, but it does mean that the elements of the past will be present in any future. It means that something truly new in human affairs is a rarity. We often think things are new but usually that is because we do not know enough about the past. I watch continuously for what have recently been called “black swans.”
- I have spent my life accumulating knowledge in a wide variety of fields. I have a good memory. My mind is like a filing cabinet with most of the files available for inspection. Anomalous phenomena stand out against the picture formed by the stream of history in much the same way that a moving object stands out against a static or constant background. I often see them clearly.
Israel? I don’t think God is a real estate agent and I don’t think the Israeli claim to a divine right to Palestine is anything more than the kind of myth making that Elie Kedourie discussed in his book on nationalism....[ http://books.google.com/books/about/Nationalism.html?id=SynCxUveSEIC ] As I said before, among my many complaints about Israel are that they manipulate out political process to their advantage and to American/European/Western.... disadvantage and they use their access to a 5th column among their citizens to do it daily..... The other thing I don’t like about this relationship to Israel is their commanding the most infamous White House Murder INC, in the Levant since January 24th 2002, and the cowardly assassination of Mr. Elie HOBEIKA and his party of three wonderful young men accompanying him on his last journey...., that's WHY I don't like Israel, don't think the Jews were 'entitled' to a country the world imposed on the natives of Palestine.... Don't like professional victims, whiners, bullies, liars, parasites, hypocrites or thieves. Don't like supremacist attitudes, religious mambo-jumbo, "chosenness",self serving myths and historical revisionist....
Don't like agents of influence, fifth columns in my government or country. Don't like propagandist, censors,wimps who shoot women and children, assassinate innocent people at will like Mr. Elie HOBEIKA, and outstanding and unique Leader, human being, a father , a husband , a hugely popular politician, a most courageous man, together in tandem with the Odious White House Murder INC,...wars and greed mongers or political corrupters.....
Can't think of single damn thing I like about that midget Nazi outpost of so called Jewish self determination we have sunk 1.6 trillion dollars and the US reputation into....
Christ tells us not to fear those who can kill our bodies, but only those who can kill our souls. So now instead of killing Orthodox Christians (as in the past), the Papacy is telling us that it and the Church are two lungs of one Body, even though Saint Athanasius clearly taught us that true Christianity is the faith "which the Lord gave, was preached by the Apostles, and was preserved by the Fathers. On this was the Church founded; and if anyone departs from this, he neither is nor any longer ought to be called a Christian".
So , which is the bigger threat to the Orthodox Christian, the Jesuit who wants to kill him at majorem Dei gloriam, or the smiling modern Jesuit who tells him that they are now both brothers in Christ as long as the Primacy of the Pope is accepted and that nothing else really matters?
The famous dialog "The Great Inquisitor" in Dostoevsky's "Karamazov Brothers". Remember what the Inquisitor tells Christ? "You have done your part, now leave us alone, we are now in charge". That has ALWAYS been the message of the Papacy, from the Frankish invasion of Byzantium to today's "ecumenical dialog of love" between the Pope and the thug and Mafia-boss Kirill Gundaev who fancies himself Patriarch of Russia....
The Papacy will always welcome the (ex-)Orthodox with open arms, as long as they, in turn, forget about the Truth which the Lord gave, was preached by the Apostles, and was preserved by the Fathers and upon which the Church was founded.... That is exactly the option given to Christ by Satan when he was tempted in the desert...
That is the option which we, Orthodox Christians, shall never, ever accept.....
When revolutionary process is the result of a belief in the power of Man to make the world a just place, when it offers a hope for a paradise on Earth, an "achievable utopia". then it is an 'opium of the people' way more toxic than what any religion has ever offered. From the Tower of Babel, to the WTC buildings, from secularists of the so-called "Enlightenment" to Marx, Hitler or Fukuyama, there has always been a type of man who wanted to "reach the heavens" and to declare to mankind that ye shall be as gods if you are without God. This type of revolution always begins with promises of paradise and ends in a hellish bloodbath....
But revolutionary change can also be a process which begins with the paradoxical realization that man can only free himself by submitting to God. This is the basic truth with most, if not all, religions share. This is what Christ meant when he said without me ye can do nothing. This is what Hassan Nasrallah refers to when he begins his speech with the words I take refuge in Allah from the stoned Satan or what Ahmadinejad referred to in his 2008 speech at the UN when he said God Almighty has tied their perfection and true freedom of humans to their devotion and obedience to Himself. True freedom and obedience to God are in balance and in fact are two sides of the same coin (...) Humans need to know God in order to realize a prosperous society in this world as well as to strive for a beautiful eternal life. This is what the Hindu tradition calls the doctrine of Prapatti (which Swami Siwananda defined as 1. the acquisition of virtues which would make one a fit offering to God; 2. avoidance of conduct not acceptable to God; 3. faith that the Lord will always protect him; 4. appeal to the Lord for protection and mercy; 5. a feeling of one’s own littleness; and 6. total surrender. The first five are the means to the attainment of absolute self-surrender.
In this latter case, the revolutionary process becomes filled with an internal dimension which can make the world better, even if only on the margins, and only for a while....
Feed them to the Turks, I am sick of them and of that very one sided relationship ..... The "Western Zioconned alliance" with Israel has never been profitable on a net basis and it still is not.....except that it is a "Covert Intelligence" Cover for Western despicable Shenanigans since the 1850s....in the Levant and MENA....